
Friday, April 9, 2021

A Lesson in Contentment - Part 2

 Good morning, FFF,

I hope you are enjoying this month of April. I was until the weather got warmer and we had the windows open and allergies hit me. :P I'm still fighting an allergy cold. I'm feeling better than I was, but not back to normal yet. And I've been busy. It feels like this month is crazy full!

Saturday was busy as I was trying to get a lot written and do some other things. I ended up not writing too much.

Sunday I sang in the ladies ensemble for church, then got to read in the afternoon at home. So nice.

Monday I reached the end of my 4th of July story! It's out to beta readers now.

Tuesday was one long and boring day. I worked as an election judge and had 16 people come in to vote. I can't say that I was too surprised since the only thing on the ballot was school board and none of the 3 people had been on before, so you couldn't check their track record.

Wednesday I was so tired! And spent most of the day playing catch-up. I did get some planning and plotting done for "Phil Wood" so that I could write.

Thursday was busy. Almost all my nieces and nephews were over all morning and half the afternoon. I helped Sissy design a mock cover for her story for school. Helped Funny Boy trace and cut out a baseball bat for his school project, listened to Doodle Bug read his school paper, played some violin/piano duets with Goof Ball, and played with Buddy, Missy, and Buster. I did get almost 500 words written, but they were words hard to come by because I was so tired.

Today. Maybe today I'll be able to get some things done. My family is going to a school performance for some of my nephews this evening so I'll have to write before then if I'm going to write.

 Anyway, that was a very short glance at my week. Add to that Camp stuff, regular life, emails, and more. Yep, I'm busy. But here's the next part of the story. Hope you enjoy it.


 A Lesson in Contentment
Part 2

    Before Kelsey could think of something to say, Aunt Olive was back. “It looks like you girls are on your own. Have fun and don’t catch a chill, or your mothers will never let me invite you again.” With that laughing remark, Aunt Olive waved the two dripping girls back out into the rain.
    The walk was delightful. Kelsey, used to walking barefooted through wet grass, over rocks and along broken sidewalks, thought the paved road an easy path and walked along confidently. But Zoe, her feet tender, felt each small pebble and, though she said nothing, half wished she had worn her sandals. To keep her mind off her feet she asked, “How many brothers and sisters do you have, Kelsey?”
    “Seven. One older sister and the rest younger sisters.”
    “No brothers?”
    “Not one. Poor Dad always wanted a son, but he got daughters instead. He likes to tease Lauren, she’s my older sister, and me by saying that all the girls have been used up in the family now and we’ll no doubt get a house full of boys when we get married.” She laughed brightly and tossed back her wet hair.
    “Do you believe him?”
    “It doesn’t matter if I believe him or not. Neither one of us is married. Lauren does have a boyfriend though. And I think–” she hesitated and then lingered in the road until Zoe was right beside her. “I think he’s going to propose soon.” The sparkle in her eyes and the bright smile showed just how delighted she was.
    “Oh, Kels! How exciting!” And Zoe clapped her hands.
    “But you must not say anything about it, because I don’t know for sure, and I don’t want Lauren to suspect anything.”
    Zoe promised silence and then exclaimed, pointing ahead, “Look, there’s the bridge!”
    Soon the girls stood leaning over the railing watching the water dance and swirl below them.
    “Kels,” Zoe asked, “why are you so quiet at school?”
    Without turning around, Kelsey replied, “I’ve never been good in large crowds; besides, everyone else always has things to say, and I like to listen.”
    “Well, what things do you like to do? Besides take walks in the rain.” And Zoe smiled.
    Kelsey laughed and tipped her face back and closed her eyes against the falling moisture. “I often ride my bike to the old folks home and visit with the residents. Sometimes one or two of my sisters will go with me. I could sit and listen to them tell stories for hours.” Shaking off some of the water from her face, she looked over at the girl beside her. “I suppose you think I’m strange.”
    “Why? Because you enjoy visiting the older folks?”
    Kelsey nodded. “Most girls give me a sympathetic look and soon after find an excuse to leave me.” Picking up a pebble from the side of the bridge, she dropped it into the water below. It made a soft splash and the ripples spread out to mingle and combine with the ripples from the raindrops.
    “I don’t think you’re strange. I like listening to my grandmother, well, actually she’s my great grandmother. She lives with us, you know. You should come see her sometime,” she invited warmly. “I know she would enjoy a visit. And so would I.”
    Stealing a glance at the speaker, Kelsey wondered if Zoe was just being polite or if she was in earnest.
    Almost as though Zoe read her thoughts, she added, “I’m mean it, Kels. I would love to have you come over. Sometimes it gets rather dull in our large house. Do you live in a large house? I would think you’d have to with all you girls.”
    A merry laugh escaped Kelsey’s lips. “Large house? Us? You wouldn’t call it large.” Another laugh burst forth. “Zoe, the eight of us girls share two bedrooms and in each bedroom are two sets of bunk beds. Mom and Dad have the other bedroom. There are two bathrooms in the entire house, and the kitchen is so small that if anyone is in there cooking, you have to practically go outside to turn around. I could invite you over some time, but it’s not exactly the kind of place most people want to come to.”
    “Well, I want to see it.”
    “You’d be the first person who does.” There was no bitterness in Kelsey’s voice, just a matter of fact statement. “Come on,” she suggested, changing the subject. “Let’s see what the water looks like on the other side of the bridge.”
    Quickly the girls crossed the road and leaned over the railing.
    “Oh, Zoe! Look at those flowers!” Kelsey pointed to the golden yellow coreopsis which bloomed all along the bank. “Wouldn’t those look lovely in your aunt’s kitchen?”
    “Yes. And Aunt Olive does love flowers. But Kels, we’d get drenched trying to pick some in this rain with the grass so tall.”
    “Zoe, we already are drenched,” Kelsey chuckled. “We have been out in the rain, you know. But you might tear your dress. Mine will be fine. Wait for me; I’m going to get a handful.” So saying, she hurried from the bridge, and was soon pushing her way through the long wet grass down to the water’s edge where the flowers were growing thickest. Looking up, she waved at Zoe before proceeding to gather one flower after another. She wasn’t content to remain on the slope at the edge of the water, for she saw more lovely ones growing on a tiny island in the stream.
    “Kels! Be careful!”

How was your week?
Do you have allergies?
Have you ever picked flowers in the rain?


Anonymous said...

I like Zoe and Kelsey's unique friendship!

Rebekah said...

Me too. I was rather surprised by it when I was writing, but it's been really fun. :)

Katja L. said...

I’m really intrigued!

Rebekah said...

Good. Now I know you'll keep reading. ;)