
Friday, November 20, 2009

One Thanksgiving

It is the day after Thanksgiving, but we are having our thanksgiving today so that J&M can be here. Here is in Kansas City and Mom's parents. The ladies of the family are planning a shopping trip to Joanns this morning. J&M should be here sometime late morning as we are going to eat about 2:00.

I wondered if I'd get any comments after Part 10 of Meleah's Western.:) I love reading them, so I hope you keep it up. If I were to post the western more often, I think you would get tired of commenting, so . . .:) By the way, I had my notebook up here for Meleah's Western and Grandma read it. She enjoyed it and, like the rest of you, she wanted to know what came next. Dad also enjoyed reading it. Grandma said she didn't know how I could describe everything and everyone so well. I don't know either, but it sure is fun.

Okay, so Part 11 is not being posted. This story was written like some others, from a calendar picture. Hannah Cov. and I decided that I would pick the assignment and she would pick the picture. Then we would both write a story. This is my story. If you want to read Hannah's, you'll have to ask her for it.:)

Characters: 4
Number of Words: 1,000 - 1600
Tense: 3rd
Time to Write it: 2 weeks
Special Instructions: must take place in two days.

One Thanksgiving
Rebekah Morris

“Girls, you want to explore the old trail tomorrow morning? The one Dad and I found while hunting.” The speaker was a tall, slim young man of about fourteen. His dark skin and straight black hair gave proof of his Indian ancestry.
Jessie looked up. “But tomorrow is Thanksgiving.” She hesitated. “When would we go?”
Cassie raised her head from her book. “Let’s go early! Real early.” Her black eyes flashed with excitement. “Say we can go early, Steve!”
Her brother grinned. “Why don’t we leave at 5:00. That’ll give plenty of time to be back before Mom needs your help for the 2:00 dinner.”
Suddenly Cassie seemed to have second thoughts. “Would it be just us three?”
Steven nodded.
“Couldn’t we take Major?”
“No, he’d scare off anything worth seeing, but I’ll take my gun, if you want,” Steve told her.
“But . . .” Suddenly all the stories she had read of danger came back to her mind and she shivered.
Thirteen-year-old Jessie was growing tired of her sister’s timidity. “Cass, one would think you weren’t a direct descendent of a great Indian chief.”
Thus chided by her older sister, Cassie took a deep breath, squared her slim shoulders and lifted her eyes to meet those of her siblings.
Steven chuckled, “That’s the spirit, Cass. We’ll make you a brave Indian yet. Now, do we pack food for our little expedition or attempt to eat before we leave?”
Both girls were for packing it.

It was cold and nippy when the three adventurers gathered by the back steps the following morning. Cassie was shivering with excitement and cold while she clutched Jessie’s hand tightly. Inspite of her ancestors, she admitted to herself that she was just a little bit scared.
“Are you both ready?” Steven’s whisper broke the silence.
“Yes,” came the equally quiet response.
Cassie cast a quick look back at the lighted kitchen windows knowing their mother was there at that moment putting the turkey in the oven. For a moment, only a moment, she wished she hadn’t suggested they go early. At least Steven had his gun. It was so dark, she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face.
“Steve,” she whispered, “can’t we turn on a flashlight?”
Steven’s voice replied from the other side of Jessie, “No, you’re eyes will grow accustomed to the darkness.”
For several minutes no sound was heard but their soft footsteps and the crunch of fallen leaves.
“Careful now, it’s the barbed wire fence. I’ll lift the bottom of it up, and Jess, you crawl under first. Careful,” as Jessie let go of his arm and dropped to the ground without a word, “make sure you stay low.”
“I’m through.”
“Okay, Cass, now you.”
“But I don’t know where to go,” her voice was a whimper.
“Come to my voice. There, I’m right in front of you. Drop down and crawl under to Jessie.” Steven’s soft but fearless voice seemed to inspire Cassie with courage, and she obeyed without a word. Steven was also soon over and joined his sisters.

“Now we must move in single file as the path is only a deer trail.”
“Won’t you run into a tree without a light?”
“Indians can see in the dark, Cass,” was the reply.
Cassie glanced around. To her astonishment she discovered that she too could see the dark outlines of trees and of Steven and Jessie before her.
“I am the great granddaughter of Chief Strong-Arm, and I must be as stouthearted and brave as he.” The thought nerved Cassie to only flinch when a twig snapped somewhere off to her right. A tingling sensation crept up her spine at the thought of what might be watching her at that moment. She wondered if Jessie had heard the noise. Was she scared? She wouldn’t ask, for she didn’t want to break the silence.

On the threesome moved with a steady pace. Cassie marveled at how confidently Steven led them up and down hills, not pausing when the trail twisted and curved. “He is as all Indian braves should be. They must find their way in many a darker night than this. He is leading us to a powwow with other great chiefs. Or, no,” Cassie frowned in the darkness. “he is leading us to safety, for some other tribe wants to carry Jess and me off as captives.”
Her dreaming was interrupted by the sudden halt of Jessie and Steven. She glanced up in time to see a large, six-point buck pause motionless no more than five yards from them. For only an instant he stood there, then with swift leaps, he disappeared into the morning dawn.
“Oh, how pretty!” Jessie breathed.
Steven nodded and once again set off.
The light of the coming dawn was giving them enough light to see though a morning mist hung about them.

“Here we are,” Steve’s voice broke the quiet.
“We’re at the old bridge,” Cassie sounded surprised.
“Yes, and just past it, around that farther bend, we will find the old trail. It is on the right of the path. Cass, do you want to lead?”
With a toss of her black hair she stepped out in front. “Everything depends on me now,” she thought. “I must find the only path to safety and not let the enemy see or know.” With great caution she crept forward, her black eyes darting everywhere.
Behind her, Steve and Jess exchanged amused glances, and Steven tossed an acorn at her
“Come out of your dream world, Cass, and let’s get going.”
Cassie sighed. Why did they have to ruin the most exciting part of the adventure? Well, she’d save it for another time.
“It is so quiet out here,” Jessie breathed, “and so still.”
Nothing more was said until Cassie halted and pointed towards a faint opening in the woods.
“Good job, Cass, you’ll make a tracker after all.” Steven grinned at his youngest sister and shifted his gun to the other arm. “Jess, do you want to lead?”
Jessie shook her head.
Cassie hesitated and began to shake her head.
“Are you losing your nerve?” Steven couldn’t resist teasing a little.
Cassie grinned. “Indians don’t explore an unknown path without a weapon. Now if you’ll give me the gun--”
“No way,” Steve interrupted. “Dad would skin me alive if I did.”
“Then you lead Steve,” Jess broke in.

The path was faint and narrow. The three children moved down it carefully, ears and eyes open for any sign of wildlife. Here and there they spied turkeys or deer, and once Jessie spied an owl, but it flew off before the others saw it. All at once Steven stopped and listened.
A faint sound was coming from their left. To Cassie’s imaginative mind it sounded like the call of their Indian foe!
“It sounds as though someone is moaning,” Steven whispered. “Come on.” He deliberately stepped off the path in the direction of the sound.
“Steve!” Cassie’s hushed call made him turn his head. “It’s a trap. They want your scalp!”
Steven’s black eyes gazed straight into those of his sister. “Cut out the pretending, Cassie. This is for real.” Then he once more set off toward the sound, his sisters following.
Each passing moment brought more light although the sky remained cloudy and the mist hung heavy. The moans grew louder, and suddenly through the trees the figure of a man lying on the ground was to be seen.
“Hello,” Steven’s voice broke the silence.
The man raised his head and looked at the three who had suddenly appeared before him.
As the man didn’t speak, Steven spoke again, “Are you hurt?”
The man nodded with a groan and let his head fall back. “I was out huntin’ a few days ago, and my gun backfired and knocked me clear down the ledge yonder an’ I ain’t been able to get farther’n this.”
By then Jessie and Cassie had drawn near, and Steven was kneeling beside the stranger. He introduced himself and his sisters.
“I’m Sam,” the stranger told them. “An’ I’d be much obliged if you could help me.”
Steven and Jessie went to work bandaging, as well as they could, Sam’s arm and head and putting a splint on his leg.
“If I had some crutches, I think I could make it to the path.”
“Here, lean on me,” Steve offered. Then with Steven on one side and Jessie on the other, they set off for the main path, Cassie leading the way. All dreams of enemies had vanished from her mind leaving only one thought. “Find the path.”
To her own surprise, she came out on the path right beside the old bridge.
“Here,” Steven handed Jessie his gun. “You and Cass wait here with Sam while I run home and get Dad.”

Before anyone could protest, Steven was gone. The girls made Sam as comfortable as they could, and Jessie pulled out a small pack of jerky.
“Here,” she offered, “eat. And here’s water.”
Sam accepted them gratefully.
“Where are you going to have Thanksgiving dinner?” queried Cassie.
“Thanksgiving? Nowhere. But I didn’t know Indians celebrated it since us white men took your land.” Sam looked curious.
Jessie spoke softly. “Yes, they took land, but if the white man had never come, we would never have learned of Jesus Christ.”
Sam gazed at the colored leaves around him, then at the two dark, yet beautiful faces near him.
“Wouldn’t you like to have Thanksgiving with us?” Cassie asked.
Sam nodded, and all three fell silent.

It wasn't the best story, but that is how it happened.

Meleah's Western Part 10

Dear me, no one commented at all on the last post. I guess they just were too sad to know that the CMA class was over. :) But all good things must come to an end sometime. Or at least I have been told that. It was rather nice to not have to go anywhere on Tuesday evening. I also taught my last writing class for this year on Wednesday. I seem to be in the finishing mood now for I also finished a short story that I will post next week. Now that so many things have been finished, I have gotten to read more.:) I believe I'm on my fifth book this month.:)

Now before you read Part 10 which some of you have been longing for, I'll give you a brief update on my book. I finally finished reading it and now Mom has it. She has suggested a few changes so far, but we'll see how things go the farther she gets into it. Also, after talking with Jimmy some about publishing my book, it looks like I will be doing it differently than I had originally thought. But of course my "test readers" have to read it first.:)

But you, my readers, have probably skipped this and gone straight to the story. Be sure to tell me what you think. And no, the next part is not written yet.

Part 10

Ty stared at his friend. Could this be true? Was this one he was to find his “baby sister”? If Carson, who knew about her for so long, hadn’t be able to find a trace of her, how was he expected to? Where should he start? Who was the family she was with? So dazed was he with this story that he gave no reply to his older companion’s heart wrenching cry for help.
Carson had buried his face in his hands and now sat silent and motionless.

Outside, the sun climbed higher and higher, doing its best to melt much of the snow before it must slip behind the mountains once more. A lone rider was slowly wending his way through the woods on the now slippery trail. Pausing often, he looked about as though to make sure he was still on the trail and had not missed it. His horse’s breath made little clouds of steam in the still air.

Inside the cabin, with a sudden shake of his head, Ty squared his shoulders and drew a deep breath. This was no time for endless puzzling. Now was the time to work out a plan if possible.
“Carson,” Ty began. “What was the family’s name that took . . . her?” He couldn’t quite decide what to call this new found sister of his.
Carson lifted his head; he spoke slowly, “I don’t rightly remember. I know it started with West, but I ain’t been able ta recall the rest of it.”
It was Ty’s turn to frown now. This made things even more difficult. How was one to find a girl after all these years without knowing the last name? He tried again.
“Would there be anyone back near where ya was livin’ that might know?”
“There’s no tellin’ what some people might remember, an’ it’s no tellin’ if’n any a the same ones is still there. After all, Ty, its been a dozen years since I was back that way.”
“Still, it wouldn’t hurt ta check.”
“No, I reckon not. Ya ain’t aimin’ ta go there alone are ya? How’d ya know who ta ask?”
“I don’t know rightly. I was thinkin’ a going alone if’n you’d stay here with Sally. Ya know I can’t stay. If they was ta get wind--”
At that moment a voice sounded behind him. “I told ya once, an’ I’m tellin’ ya again, you ain’t goin’ nowheres without me, Ty Elliot. Now ya jest get that inta yer head.”
Both men turned. Sally stood there, hands on her hips and chin squared in stubbornness. Her blue eyes flashed with determination.
“Sally, it ain’t gonna be for long. I can leave after dawn tomorrow an’ I’d jest be checkin’ ta see if’n anyone knows about--”
Sally cut him short. “It don’t matter ta me how short a time ya aim ta be gone, Ty Elliot, I ain’t stayin’ behind.”
Ty tried to reason with her, but she remained firm in her obstinacy. If he was going anywhere, she was going too. Nothing would change her mind. She stood there before him with arms crossed and a set to her mouth that reminded Carson of long ago.
At last Ty gave in to the inevitable though he did so with great reluctance. No one spoke for several minutes after Sally joined them. It was she who broke the stillness.
“Ty, who is she?”
Briefly, Ty filled his sister in on what was known. Carson sat still, gazing before him at nothing while he listened to the story and wondered again if it were even possible to find a trace of her.
“Carson,” Ty questioned when he had finished. “If Sally goes along, what do you plan ta do?”
“Do? Why I reckon I’ll go along with ya. Ain’t got any other place ta go that’s a needin’ me, an’ I might be a use ta you. ‘Sides that,” his voice dropped and his gaze fell, “I ain’t gonna feel quite easy in my mind ‘till I see my little girl once more.”

Sally stood up. “Well, now that it is all settled, when are we goin’ ta leave? Ya know ya can’t stay here all winter; someone’s gonna find out yer here.”
“I know, Sally, I know,” Ty interrupted.
“We’ve got ta leave soon, Ty. If they were ta--” She couldn’t go on, for Ty had placed his hand over her mouth.
“Hush that kind a talk, Sally,” he ordered. “I reckon we could light out at first dawn. What da ya say, Carson?”

Carson made no reply but held up his hand for silence. A dead stillness settled over the cabin; even the fire seemed to feel a need for quiet, for the logs ceased to snap. Sally fairly held her breath, straining her ears for she knew not what. Yet, try as she would, she could hear nothing. She glanced at Ty as he stealthily rose and drew his Colt repeating pistol from its holster. She reached out a hand to grasp him, but he glided past her outstretched fingers. Carson too had risen and held his rifle at the ready.

The sun, now nearing noonday, shone with blinding splendor on the remaining snow banks. The two men stood waiting. To see out the one window would have exposed them to whatever or whoever was approaching. Sally could hear it now too. Steps of some sort were nearing. They were not slow and cautious, but advanced in a sure tread. Now they could hear the faint jingle of a harness. The visitor halted in front of the cabin.

Sally cowered back against the far wall pressing her hands over her mouth to keep back the scream that rose in her throat. Ty’s face was set. Had it come to this already? How did they know he was back? His eyes narrowed. They would find that they couldn’t always have everything their own way.
The stillness was broken by a deep voice from without. “Elliot! Sally!”

Any questions? Comments? Are you tired of this story yet?

Friday, November 13, 2009

CMA Report #8

Friday has come again and with it another busy day. I know there will be some of you who won't read this until later as you will be at the AGC Reunion.:) We should have fun.

I did get quite a bit done on my book this week. I am finally nearing the end of it. After thinking about it, I don't think I'll be able to get the exam copies out to people before Christmas. I still have to finish my part, then Mom has to read the 245 pages and put in her corrections, comments and suggestions. Then I have to take the 245 pages back to the computer to add, change and correct them. After that I have to get the layout to look okay and then print the copies. I am still trying to figure out which publishing house to use to publish it. Also, I am in need of an editor. Does anyone know of any?

But enough of my book and on to my report. There are not nearly as many pictures as last week.:) Enjoy!

CMA Report #8

Welcome to all of you who have joined me for this very last class of Joplin’s very first Citizen’s METS Academy. This class was a little different than the others as it was thrown together at the last minute so to speak because some of us insisted on one more class. The topics were Emergency Preparedness and Tactical Paramedics.

Arriving at class about our usual time, we discovered only Ed was there. Shortly afterwards, Mandy and Lynn came, followed by Paula and Roger. They had brought a large Thank You poster for Marc and the others who had assisted with the CMA. We all had to slip out and sign it. Frankie came and we headed to get our food. Marc had gotten a cake as well. Marie couldn’t come, and John and Stephanie never showed up though no one knew why.

Nice cake, huh?

While we were eating, we watched a slide show that Jerry had put together that day of pictures from the class. There were some pretty funny ones.

When we were finished, Marc had us introduce ourselves to Keith who is Joplin’s director of the Emergency Management something-or-other. He spoke about, surprise! Emergency Preparedness of all things. (Okay, so you really weren’t surprised.) I did find out some interesting things.

Did you know that the “tornado sirens” really aren’t tornado sirens? They were originally put up in the 1960s for nuclear warnings. Then someone decided to make use of them for wind warnings. They get turned on if the winds are 70 mph or if there is a tornadic storm.

Did you know that more people die from flooding than from tornados? That is because people can’t seem to keep from driving over low water bridges that are covered in water and they get washed off them. (So, those of you who drive, I myself am excluded, don’t drive over places where you can’t see the road because of the water.)

Did you know that Joplin had a shelter (It is the police station and jail now.) that had enough food and water for 130 people for thirty days? We wondered how they decided which 130 people got to be there.:)

Not only did Keith talk about natural disasters, he talked about hazardous disasters. Those are mostly from trucking accidents while transporting chemicals. Did you know that one of the scariest trucks with chemicals is a Wal-Mart truck? I didn’t know that. The reason is that they can be transporting hundreds of Coleman lanterns, and as they are separate with each one holding only a gallon of fuel, they do not have to be labeled as hazardous. (Hmmm, that is interesting.) Also, the smaller the truck is, the more dangerous the stuff being transported is.

There was quite a bit of talk about people who, when the sirens go off, go get the camera to take pictures and then load them onto the Internet instead of taking cover. Also the fact that many times the sirens don’t go off until the storm is on you because of how long it can take to get the warning out. I didn’t mention that sometimes we don’t even bother going to shelter as we have no basement. (Don’t tell anyone that.)

After Keith left, Scott got up. He told us he wasn’t supposed to be the one to talk, but the other guy got called out. He is a “tactical paramedic.” (Ever hear of one of those before?) He explained that they are the paramedics who go with the SWAT teams every time they go somewhere. (If you didn’t get to read about the SWAT teams and would like to, let me know and I’ll send you the report of it.) He said that they get about forty hours of training. They have to learn how to start an IV in the dark, find and bandage bullet wounds in the dark, disarm wounded police officers without getting shot in the dark, as well as make the guns safe. (Sounds rather hard to me.)

“Imagine trying to get a gun away from a fallen officer. In the first place he is going to be ready to shoot anyone who comes near him, and second it is usually dark and he can’t see you well. You have to disarm him and convince him that you are going to help him. You also have to convince him that the only thing you are going to do with the gun is make it safe. You aren’t going to shoot anyone with it.”

The reason they have to do everything in the dark is because even just a little light is a perfect target and only calls for shots.
Scott showed us a You-Tube video of SWAT team training. Talk about intense! He said that when they go into a building or anywhere, he will have two guys in front of him and two guys behind him. He said that was nice as they form a shield around him. They get shot at first. When he gets called, (he showed us that night’s message he had received) he first has to go to METS to get his supplies and his ambulance. Then he goes to the police station where they have a meeting of what they are going to do. He also gets his bullet proof vest, helmet, gas mask and such. He never carries a weapon. He will either drive his ambulance if there are a lot of guys going (then there will be more than just one or two paramedics), or he will ride in the van with the rest of the SWAT team. He told us the hardest things for him would be if they were going somewhere and he saw other victims needing help and he couldn’t stop to help them. He has to stay with the SWAT team. We were told that the most common problems they have are officers who have heat exhaustion. (I would too with over 100 pounds on, plus full head to toe clothing and especially in summer!)

Scott did tell us that one time they were going to a house and his group was sent around behind. They were approaching the house, and no one had noticed the low cement foundation of an old house until the front two guys suddenly both tripped and fell flat. The last two couldn’t help laughing.:) We were alsoreminded again of how well the snipers can hide. I really think I would like to see them, or try to see them anyway.

That was about all Scott had. Marc thanked us for coming to the class, gave us our certificates, and Paula gave him the Thank You poster.

I finally got a picture of Marc!

Marc assured us that it would be put up on one of the walls in that room. Then we all headed out to the bay to take some group pictures.

BR: Me, Paula, Lynn, Frankie, Mandy
FR: Dad, Roger, Ed

It was too bad we were missing three of our classmates as well as Jason, Ike and James. They were all on call. But we got Marc and Jerry with us.

Jerry is the middle one and Marc is on the end
Talk about strange instructors.

We all stood around and talked for a while before heading home. It was only 8:15.
And that brings the Citizen’s METS Academy reports to a close. I hope you have enjoyed them and perhaps learned a thing or two. This has been Rebekah reporting for your benefit. Until another Citizen’s Academy, thank you for joining me.

I received a comment begging me to please post Part 10 of "Meleah's Western." I have it ready and waiting, so be sure you come back next week to read it.:)

Friday, November 6, 2009

CMA Report #7

Well, here it is, another Friday and another CMA Report. There are a lot of pictures on this one as I took 47 that night. Don't worry, I didn't post them all.:)

I have been working some on checking my book as well as writing another "calendar story" to post later. I still have to finish it and write another one that is due by the 15th. We'll see how much I can get done.

Oh, you might want to click on some of these pictures to see them better.:) Enjoy!

CMA Report #7

Once again, welcome to the report from Joplin’s very first Citizen’s METS Academy. This is the hands-on class, so I’m glad you joined me. I hope you are ready for some fun!
Dad and I arrived at class to find Marc there looking for our certificates. He said he had them earlier but couldn’t remember where he put them. Mandy and Lynn had brought soup for supper, and Marie had made four cheesecakes.

We were told to get our food and then as we ate we talked about class. No one really wanted it to end yet, so Marc was talking about having another class next week. (So, I guess this is not the last report you’ll get.) There were many comments we had given about liking the hands-on stuff best.

“So, you’re going to get to do some practicing of a scene, and some of you will be the victims. But we’ll divide into two groups with half driving and the other half staying here.”

Jerry, Ike and Jason were there along with two new faces: Cassie is a paramedic who works there at METS and who is seven months pregnant, and her husband Brian who is an EMT and a fireman. They would be helping later. Once we were done eating (and the instructors were done as well), we split up. Mandy, Lynn, Paula and Roger went with Ike and Jason to drive while the rest of us: Ed, Frankie, Dad, Marie and I stayed. (John and Stephanie weren’t there.) Ed was chosen to be the victim, and the rest of us were sent out to the bay with Cassie who would be our instructor/assistant on the “call.” Brian came out too. Frankie volunteered to be the “on call” person and have the walkie. Jerry was inside getting the “scene ready,” and then he became “dispatch” and called us over the walkie.

Frankie on call

“We have a vehicle collision here at 6th and Virginia. One person ejected from car to middle of road. Unsure if others are in car.”
“METS 10, Copy that.”

And we were set to go. Only, right after that, the real dispatch came on asking about that accident. Jerry informed them that it was just a joke. (Oops. I guess we needed to be on a different channel. Marc did come switch it a moment later.:))

Cassie asked us what we were going to need. No one was quite sure, so she helped us decide. She and Brian also showed us where things were. (After all, most of us had only seen the inside of the ambulance once.) She showed us how to get the cot (stretcher, for those who call it that) out. We got the backboard, air bag, suction bag and something else and headed in.

We found the “victim” lying face down on the floor, excuse me, the “street”. I started taking pictures. Jerry asked where our protective equipment was. None of us had thought of getting gloves.

Oops, don't touch him without gloves!

We all turned around and left the scene. (Maybe it wasn’t safe yet.:)) Back to the ambulance. Cassie told us where the gloves were. She looked at Marie and me and said,

“You will probably need small.” (What? You mean they have gloves that might fit me? They do! Now I can deliver those babies, work in the detective department with the police and all those other things. Or, maybe not.)

Now we are really ready. Back we go with our purple gloves on. Frankie goes up to “Victim Ed” and shakes his shoulder and says,
“Hey, are you okay?”
Jerry: Don’t move him! He was ejected from a car!”

We have to roll him over to check if he is breathing. Brian does the head hold and the rest of us gather around. Cassie says to get the backboard as we will just put him on that. I hand my camera off to Marc so I can get in on the action. Marie and I are ready at the legs while Dad and Frankie have the upper part. Brian counts as he has the head. Cassie keeps the backboard steady.
“One, two, three.” And we roll all together.

Getting ready to roll

Now we need to see if he is breathing. Frankie is ready to do the head tilt, chin lift, but you can’t do that on a trauma patient who might have neck injuries. She has to listen and feel for breath. Nothing. (Ed is a really good actor. I would have been laughing.)

Cassie, Frankie, Marie and Brian get the oxygen things out, and Dad and I are left with the patient. He sort of comes to and moans and moves a little. We have to keep him still and in the same place.

Keeping our "victim" still

Frankie and Cassie start him on oxygen. Dad listens for lung movement while they get ready. We really hook Ed up to the oxygen.

On oxygen

While they are doing that, Marie and I check for other injuries. We didn’t find any. (Pretty amazing after being ejected from a car.)
Brian instructs Marie in taking blood pressure while Dad and I strap Ed on the backboard. Cassie then instructs Frankie on how to check his blood sugar level.
I get the head blocks and the straps. Now he is strapped on.

Jerry then informs us, as we are all going to get the co, that our victim is throwing up. “What do you do now?”
“Roll him toward your partner,” Dad replies immediately.
Jerry starts to laugh. “You must have really been listening.”
Cassie hands Dad the “suction bag,” and we head back over. Frankie, Cassie and I along with another one of the METS personnel who had come in, roll Ed over towards Dad.:)

Dad using the "suction"

Would you like to be held on your side like that?

Marie and I learn how to put the cot down so we don’t have to lift our victim so much.:)
Back by Ed we make sure we are ready. Marc turns to yet another METS person in the room and says,
“You might want to help them as we don’t want any of them hurting their backs.” (I’m telling you they do look out for each other.)

Dad and Jerry are at the head, Frankie is on one side, and I’m on the other in the middle, and the other guy is at the foot. The other guy shows me how to hook the oxygen bottle to the board between his legs so it wouldn’t fall. Jerry counts, and we lift. The cot is ready for him. Once on that, we strap him to it and are ready to head out.

Don't we look official?

Dad and the other guy (nice name) wheel the cot out to the waiting ambulance, and the rest of us gather our bags and follow.

At the ambulance the other guy, Jerry and Dad load the cot.

"Other guy," Dad, Jerry

Then the “medics crew” (that would be us four) and Cassie climb in. She shows us the heart monitor and we pretend to hook it up. During this time we can’t help saying things like: “Now we’ve got to shock him.” “Where are the tubes? We have to intubate him.” That is when Ed wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face. At one point, Dad says,
“We’re going to shock him. All clear!”
We all started laughing as the rest of us were touching Ed.
Cassie protests, “You’re supposed to say, ‘I’m clear. You clear?’ You aren’t supposed to shock your partners.”:)

In the ambulance

At last we take all the straps off and tell Ed that he was rejected by the hospitals so he might as well just get out.:)

Brian was standing at the back of the ambulance, and I almost needed him to catch me. I said almost. I tripped slightly on a strap that was on the floor, but caught myself.

Our next thing was driving the ambulance. Ike and Jason took us out to Memorial Hall parking lot. We rode in the back of the ambulance. On the way there we got rather silly saying that we should go to the back doors (The light was on inside, and we could be seen by those behind us.) and pretend to call for help. Marie wanted a marker to write “help” on the window.:)

Arriving in the parking lot, Jason instructed us on the driving route. Dad drove first with Ed riding. Then Ed drove with Frankie riding. Next it was Frankie with Marie, and last (as I didn’t have a license) I rode with Marie. It was quite interesting.

Ike turned the lights on just for this picture.:)

You probably didn’t know that you have to wear a seat belt in the cab of an ambulance or an alarm will go off that is very annoying. Also, unless you have a special key, you can’t start the ambulance. And it is not like a regular key, it is something else. (Now you know you can’t steal an ambulance very well.)

Back at the station, we joined the rest of the class. Since we had each done a trauma incident, we were going to do a medical one. Ed, Mandy (the other groups’ victim), and Lynn were to be the “medic crew.” Roger really wanted to do a meth house, so he was the victim.

“We have a situation at 6th and Virginia (Sounds like a dangerous place. By the way, that is where METS is.:)) Strange odors coming from house, victim not responding. Smoke coming from kitchen window. Fire en route.”
“Copy that.”

The “medics” came, stopped in the doorway and asked if the scene was safe.
“Yes, the firemen carried him out to the front yard.”

In came the crew with Cassie. Roger sat in a chair and looked at them. He then decides it would be better if he were on the floor since they were going to put him on the floor anyway. (Very helpful unresponsive victim, huh?) They begin to assess him.

Lynn, Mandy, Ed, Cassie

His breathing is slow, his pulse weak and fluttering, his left arm is rather burnt. Roger raises it so they can see. They get him on oxygen or pretend to anyway. Cassie keeps asking Jerry questions about him, and finally says,
“I’d stay away so as not to get contaminated.”
Jerry assures her that the firemen have hosed him down.:)

Paula tells Roger to be quiet a few times as he doesn’t seem to be unresponsive. Now comes a problem. They have to get him on to the cot. Cassie shows them how to first roll him on to a blanket to make the lifting of him easier.

Getting ready to roll

Roger tells them that he will help. Once he was on the blanket Marc says to Cassie,
“Cassie, you don’t need to be lifting, we’ll do it.” We were told again that that is what firemen do, so Brian, Marc and Jerry join Mandy and Lynn. Ed was going to keep the cot steady. All were ready, and one of the guys says to Lynn,
“Don’t use your back. Bend your knees.”

"And lift!"

At last Roger was on the cot and strapped on half sitting up. When he was on, Roger “came to” and began to get violent. He had us all laughing. Jerry told us that in that kind of a situation, you should have a police officer ride in the ambulance with you. Cassie adds that they’ll have a tazer.
After a little more talk, they let Roger off the cot and pack things up.
There was a little more talk about that and then we talked about next week. Marc said they would provide hamburgers and a cake. Paula was the one that said we had to have a cake. We also decided that we all had to wear our shirts next week, and we would get a class picture. Marie thinks there should be several more classes, but as Marc said, we have to stop sometime. One of the medics rolled his eyes when told we didn’t want to stop class. He looked as though he were thinking, “What kind of crazy people are they?”
And that brings this report to a close. Thanks for joining me. Until next week, this is Rebekah.

Will you be back next week?