
Friday, June 29, 2018

Missing: One Junior Ranger - Part 2

Morning FFFs,
It's Hot! Last evening it was still in the 90s and it was 9:00 at night. But what makes it worse is the humidity! Ugh! We are under an Extreme Heat Advisory through tomorrow. Just the kind of day you want to go do door knocking. Right? :P Ha. But that's what's on the schedule for tomorrow morning. At least the heat index is supposed to be only around 100º instead of 115º like it was another time we were out knocking doors during a campaign.

This week has been busy! Starting with last Friday evening when 5 of the 7 kids were over. (Doodle Bug and Buddy went with Brother and Sis-in-Law.) They didn't go home until around 9:30 as my brother, Dad, and Sis-in-Law got to talking about food for my brother's big fund raiser event for his campaign.
Saturday Sis and I helped all morning with a large fund raiser garage sale.
Sunday after Church we helped pack up things from the garage sale.
Monday I had a long list of things to work on.
Tuesday I had one student in the morning, and Funny Boy, Buddy, and Ti-K all day. That evening was my brother's fund raiser. It was fun. :) There were over a hundred people who came. We didn't get home until about 10:00
Wednesday I tried to get things done and take a nap. ;)
Thursday my "to-do" list as about as long as it was on Monday.
Today is my best friends' birthday(s). One lives in Canada so I won't be able to do anything with her. The other lives just down the street though and we want to do something together.

And that, my readers, is what I've been up to. What have you been doing?

Missing: One Junior Ranger
Part 2

    A sudden movement to in the woods startled her and her heart thudded against her ribs. What was that? Her courage faltered, but the fear dissolved a moment later when a fawn limped into a clearing between a few trees.
    “Oh,” Sharon breathed, “he’s hurt.” Slowly, carefully so as not to startle the little deer, Sharon crept toward it. One thing she had learned with the Junior Rangers was how cruel it was to let an injured animal suffer. “It’s all right, little thing,” she whispered. “I only want to help.” It was then that she saw something tied or twisted around one of the fawn’s back legs.
    The deer took a few steps away and again paused.
    “Don’t run away, I won’t hurt you.”
    Still leery of the strange creature, though not old enough to associate Sharon with danger, the young animal limped farther into the trees, pausing every few steps to look back.


    “Does everyone have their packs ready?” Don asked, looking around the fort at the other Junior Rangers. As the oldest of the kids in Little Falls, and the younger brother of the local chief ranger, Don had been elected the leader of the Junior Rangers.
    “Don, Sharon hasn’t come yet,” Tessie said.
    “Well, is she coming for sure?”
    “I thought she was.” Tessie looked over at Angie. “Didn’t she say she was coming?”
    “She said she thought she could come. She didn’t think her aunt and uncle would object.” Angie shrugged.
    “Can’t we wait a little longer, Don?”
    Don looked at his watch. It was the time they had agreed upon to leave the fort. “Okay, we’ll wait a little longer,” he agreed with an easy smile. “A few minutes won’t matter.”
    Ten minutes passed and there was no sign of Sharon. The others were beginning to grow impatient.
    “Let’s give her five more minutes,” Don suggested. “Then, if she’s not here, we’ll leave her a note and head out. Who knows, we might meet her on the way. We’re heading in that direction.”
    When five minutes was up the Junior Rangers shouldered their packs and set off, leaving a note tacked to the fort gate telling Sharon when they’d be back. As they started out, Don turned on his portable radio and called the ranger station. “XNV-451 calling XNR-457. Come in XNR.”
    “XNR-457 to XNV-451, go ahead.”
    “Hi Sam, just wanted to say we’re heading off now. Over.”
    “You taking the trail by the river? Over.”
    “Yeah. We’re camping at Mr. and Mrs. Prestler’s. Over.”
    “All right. Have fun. Over.”
    “Will do. See you tomorrow. Over and out.”
    “Over and out.”


    Sam Oleson whistled softly to himself as he pulled out some files and sat down at his desk in the ranger station in Little Falls. As much as he would have enjoyed being out in the forest on such a lovely day, he had paperwork to do. Breaking off his whistling, he began to read.
    The opening of the door interrupted him some time later, and he looked up.
    “Good afternoon, Ranger Oleson.”
    “Afternoon, Mrs. Donaldson.” And the ranger stood up with a smile. “Is there something I can help you with?”
    “It’s not much really,” Penny Donaldson began, holding her purse in both hands. “It’s just that I got a message that my sister is sick, and I have to leave right away. My husband has gone to work, and you know he won’t be back for three days.” When she paused for breath the ranger nodded. “Sharon has gone camping with the other Junior Rangers and I can’t reach her. And I wouldn’t want to take her with me anyway. I talked to Angie’s mom, and she’s supposed to stay with them until I get back. Or until Ken gets back. But I can’t tell Sharon that.” She paused once again for breath.
    “I’m sure the kids will come by here when they return,” Ranger Oleson said. “I can let Sharon know she’s to go home with Angie, if that would help.”
    “Oh, it would be a tremendous help if you would, Ranger Oleson,” And Penny Donaldson sighed with relief. “Thank you. I must be on my way now.”
    “Have a safe trip, and I hope your sister is better soon.”
    With another “Thank you!” the door closed behind the visitor and Ranger Oleson returned to his paperwork. “If the kids don’t stop by, Don will radio from the fort and I’ll pass the message on. No use interrupting their trip now.”


    In a small clearing, the young fawn stopped. He didn’t move as Sharon slowly crept up and stooped. Gently but quickly, her nimble fingers worked on the tangled piece of fishing line that was twisted about the small leg.
    “You poor thing,” she murmured, pulling out the small jack knife her uncle had given her and cutting the line. “I’m sure it must hurt. Who would leave fishing line in a place where something could get caught in it? There you are, little one,” she crooned, freeing the last bit of line and pulling it away. “You can go find your mama now.”

Have you ever strayed from a path in the woods?
Do you like camping?
What did you do this week?

Friday, June 22, 2018

Missing: One Junior Ranger - Part 1

Hello FFFs,
Yes, I have a fiction story for you. Well, part of one anyway. I can't give you the entire thing all at once, you know.

How has your week been? Mine is busy, like usual. I've gotten some writing in, some reading in, and whole lot of other things done. I've been trying to work on blog posts for Read Another Page since I was pretty much doing them right before they needed to post instead of getting them scheduled ahead of time. I have done some test writing for someone who wants me to "ghost write" something for him. He made a DVD, got the transcript, and now wants the transcript turned into a book. No, it's not fiction. That would be fun. ;)

Last evening my nieces and nephews were all over and it was crazy. They were all a bit on the wound-up side except Busters. He was just tired. All the kids except 2 are going to be here again this evening. Political events.

This month has not been a very good writing month so far. I'm really hoping next month will be better. Oh, did you know Kate and I have started planning for our annual Five Fall Favorites blog party? Well, we did! And if you aren't on Goodreads, I'll have a link on my Read Another Page blog, on Tuesday, that you can sign up to be considered for a host in the party if you are interested. It isn't committing you to be a part, and it doesn't promise you a place either. It is just to see who might be interested in doing the party with us. So, if you have a blog, and want to be a part, don't forget to sign up.

And now, here's the first part of this story. Enjoy!

Missing: One Junior Ranger
Part 1

    Sharon wiggled her toes inside her shoes and tried to sit still. It was difficult, for the sun was shining brightly, the birds were all twittering and singing, and June’s warm weather had the flowers blooming in every direction across the meadow. Sharon knew that the shady forests would be cool and pleasant, and she could hardly wait until she was allowed to go.
    “Say to them that are or a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold your God will come . . . He will come and save you.” Uncle Ken continued reading, his glasses on the edge of his nose as he peered through them to see the fine print of his Bible. “No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there.”
    Why did Uncle Ken have to read something so solemn this morning? Sharon wondered, swinging her legs a little. The book of Isaiah always seemed dull to her. She much preferred Esther, Ruth, or Samuel. Who wanted to think about being afraid today? What was there to be afraid of? Oh, she knew in a general sort of way that there were wild animals in the national forest, but she’d never seen any in the two weeks since she had come out to spend the summer with her aunt and uncle.
    Already she felt at home among the inhabitants of the small town of Little Falls where the population was sixty-three. The children had welcomed Sharon warmly, and in a matter of days she had become a member of the Junior Rangers. Smiling slightly, she glanced down at the image of Smoky Bear on the front of her teeshirt.
    “Sharon,” Aunt Penny’s soft voice brought Sharon back from her dreams with a guilty start.
    Glancing quickly from her aunt to her uncle, Sharon folded her hands and bowed her head as her uncle prayed. He thanked the Lord for the day and asked a blessing on each member of the family, adding, “And Lord, please keep the Junior Rangers safe on their camping trip, and may they walk with You. In Jesus Name, amen.”
    “Amen,” Sharon echoed. She was free! Her eyes sparkled with eagerness. “Can I go to the fort now?”
    The children of Little Falls had converted the old stockade into their special clubhouse. In it they held meetings, planned outings, kept their camping gear and canoes, and even stabled the horses there during the summer months when they used them the most. The adults of Little Falls and of the few houses surrounding the town smiled and treated the Junior Rangers and their fort with respect, for they all worked hard, followed the rules, and had a radio if they needed to call for help.
    “Can I go now?” Sharon asked again.
    Aunt Penny laughed. “Not yet, dear, it’s still early. You all aren’t supposed to leave until after lunch, are you?”
    “No, but we have to get ready. Tessie, Angie, and I are going to share a tent, and I don’t want to be late.”
    Uncle Ken rose from his chair. “What about your chores, Sharon?”
    “I already made my bed and picked up my clothes.”
    “Right after lunch you may leave,” Aunt Penny said. “I’ll even drive you over to the fort if you want.”
    Sharon shook her head. “No, thanks. I can walk.”
    “Listen, Sharon,” Aunt Penny laid a hand on her niece’s shoulder, “I’ll tell you what. If you’ll water the flowers in the flowerbeds for me, I’ll fix you an early lunch and then you can be on your way.”
    A smile brightened Sharon’s face. “All right.” At least she was going to be outside. And she really didn’t mind watering the flowers.

    At last lunch was over, and Sharon was free to go. Her things for the overnight trip were already at the fort, and all Sharon had to take was her canteen full of water. With a goodbye hug to her aunt, Sharon hurried out of the door.
    “Are you sure you know the way to the fort from here, Sharon? You’ve never gone alone before.”
    “I’m sure, Aunt Penny. I just have to follow the road, then take the trail where the large rocks are and follow it to the other side of the forest. Then it’s an easy walk over the hill, back to the road, and then to the fort. See, I know.”
    “All right, but be careful. And have fun, Sharon!”
    “I will! See you tomorrow!” With a wave, Sharon started off down the rutted path which marked the road, leaving her aunt behind on the stoop. Uncle Ken had left while Sharon was watering the flowers. “If Mom and Dad could see me now,” Sharon thought, turning off the road to the forest trail, “they probably wouldn’t recognize me. I don’t feel shy here like I do back in the city. Maybe that’s because there aren’t as many people out here.” She gave a little skip of pleasure.
    The leaves of the towering trees provided a pleasant shade from the summer sun, and Sharon stopped now and then to look around or to stroke the needles of the pines and smell their enchanting aroma. It was the first time Sharon had ever been completely alone in the forest before, and it gave her a queer feeling of daring and bravery.

Have you ever gone to stay with relatives for the summer?
Have you ever been alone in the woods or forest?
Are you excited about the Five Fall Favorites party?

Friday, June 15, 2018

Just My Life

Hello Readers,

Sorry, I don't have a new fiction story for you this week. I'm still working on an old, temporary computer. Mine is not going to be getting fixed as it costs around $400. just to get the part for it. The computer guy told me he thought it would be better to put that money into another computer. So . . . Back to computer shopping I go. :P I'm not particularly fond of getting a new computer and trying to settle into it.

I've gotten some written this week. Not a lot, but some. I was working on, and am almost finished writing, a story for the blog. I started it with the idea that it would be a month story, but I don't think it will. I think I'll just post it on here and then decide what I want to do with it. But I need to get to the end of the story first, and get it edited. Perhaps you'll get part one next week, but it's not a guaranty.

Yesterday my aunt came down for the day, and in the late afternoon my brother and sis-in-law dropped off all 7 kids and went out on a date. The kids loved having Aunt M. here. They played games with her, and the birthday boy (Doodle Bug) chose to sit at her table during supper. Aunt M. had also brought cookies and rice crispy treats for everyone. They loved them. :) Even Busters (10 months old) didn't holler as soon as he was done eating like he has been doing. Maybe that was because he got to eat french fries like the big kids. :)
The kids had wanted to do "Hurray for Newsy Jones" for Aunt M., but we didn't have a lot of time. So, since she and my grandparents are coming down next month to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday, I told the kids we would practice the play before then so we all knew what we were doing, and then they could do it for Great Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt M. That sounded good to them. :)

Let's see, what else have I been doing? Oh, I did get the July story up for pre-orders. Now I don't have to mess with it later.
Can you believe there are only 2 weeks and 1 day left of the Read Another Page Reading Challenge? These 6 months went by fast! So far we've had 7 people complete the Challenge already. Some are really close, and others are determined to reach the 12 books mark. Anyway, I've really enjoyed seeing all the books everyone has read, and adding them to the list. If you haven't looked at the list of books read, go check it out. It's rather fun. :)

And now I'm going to go. I have other things I need to do before we clean the house. Thanks for coming by and letting me chat.

Have you read the June story yet?
Have you been doing any writing lately?
Are you doing the reading challenge?

Friday, June 8, 2018

David Ben-Gurion - Part 4

Good morning FFFs!
How was your week? Mine was good. I'm still using an old computer, but I was able to get my computer to our "computer guy" at church. I haven't heard anything about it, so I'm still hoping he can fix it.

I got my June story published. It's called "His Mighty Acts" and takes place during WWII. I've written a little bit on my other new story that takes place on a horse ranch. I'm still waiting to hear back from the ranch with answers to my questions. Pray that I'll hear back soon.

With this old computer I feel like I'm not getting much done, but I know I am. I mean I got 1980s book of family letters finished and ready to order the proof copy. Now I can start work on compiling the 1940s. Those will be fun as they're letters from my grandparents to each other before they were married. I can't wait to read them all. :)

I know this part is short, but I have other things to do, and I really don't have a whole lot to say this time. This is the final part of David Ben-Gurion. I hope you've enjoyed it, and that you've learned a little something.

Fighting for Survival
The explosions of dropping bombs filled the air in Tel Aviv, Israel, with their sound. Ben Gurion paused a moment in his talk over the radio to U. S. citizens. “The noise you are hearing now,” his voice was calm as he spoke, “is the noise of bombs being dropped by enemy aircraft on this city.”
The war for Israel’s survival had begun. As Minister of Defense and Prime Minister, Ben Gurion was immersed with work, disbanding the many resistance groups and forming the Israel Defense Forces, directing the war, and raising support from abroad. The war was grim and the fighting fierce. The Arabs attacked city after city only to be driven back and repulsed by the small groups of Jews that were defending their homes. The fighting was furious as Jews throughout Israel strove to defend the land they loved. In Jerusalem, the Arabs had cut off the supply roads, and only through Ben Gurion’s quick decision to use a small rocky goat trail to bring supplies in, were the inhabitants saved from starvation and slaughter. As Ben Gurion said, “In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” And it was so. The Arabs thought they would quickly and easily achieve the victory because, after all, they had more men, more supplies and were better trained. They did not realize, however, that the Jews were fighting not only for their nation, but for their lives and homes, their families and land, their religious and cultural heritage. And, as the Lord was with the Israelites when they drove the Cananites out of that very land so many years ago, so He was with the people of Israel in their struggle for a homeland.

After four strenuous weeks of heavy fighting, a truce was called to try to come to terms of peace, but to no avail. At the end of the truce the Arab nations tried once again with all their might to annihilate Israel out of existence. Ten more bloody days of war passed, but in the end Israel was still there and even stronger than it was before. For Ben Gurion had not been idle during the four weeks of the truce. More arms had been gathered, more supplies brought in, the Haganah reorganized, and encouragement given. Finally, in early 1949, peace agreements were signed with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Israel, with Ben Gurion as Prime Minister, was a recognized nation. Though but a tiny strip of land surrounded by enemies, it was yet a haven and fortress for the beleagured Jewish people of the world.

The End Years
It was late evening in November 1953 as Ben Gurion and his wife sat cosily together in their home in Tel Aviv. “Do you know?” Ben Gurion said, “I believe I want to resign from being Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.”
Paula smiled. “I don’t see why you shouldn't. After all, you have been a leader in one way or another for over 52 years.”
Ben Gurion looked confused. “But Paula, we’ve only been a nation for not quite six years.”
“Ah, but you forget,” she smiled. “You were a leader before we even became a nation. You were a leader here in Palestine when the Ottoman Empire ruled, and before that, you were a leader in your own home town in Russia.”
“You are right, dear. And I’ll do it! Let’s move out to a frontier town.”
“Which one?” Paula asked with another smile. She knew it would be difficult for her hard working husband to relax and take things easy, even if he was in his 60’s. Therefore, a move to a frontier town didn’t surprise her.
After thinking a minute, he replied, “Perhaps down south in Sedeh Boker in the Negev.”
“All right,” Paula agreed readily. “How soon shall we go?”
Sedeh Boker was indeed on the frontier. Not many would have called it even a town. A small cluster of wooden shacks with a wire fence around them sat in the middle of an empty landscape. Dry barren wilderness surrounded it on all sides. The earth was hard and cracked by the sun’s fierce rays and eroded by the hot winds that swept over the desert, leaving only sparse vegetation on which to feed sheep. It was certainly not a place where most people would think of moving when they retired.

As Paula could have predicted, Ben Gurion’s retirement lasted only two years. When he was asked to help in the government as Defense Minister under Prime Minister Moshe Sharret, he couldn’t refuse. Once in office again, it wasn’t long before he was re-elected Prime Minister. And for eight more years, he continued to serve as Israel’s leader. Then once again he retired from political office, although he continued to be active in politics and leadership from his home in Sedeh Boker. And from that now flourishing town, where lush vineyards grew and orchards of apple, peach, plum and almond trees thrived, Ben Gurion began promoting a college to be located on a nearby plateau.
In 1968, Paula, Ben Gurion’s beloved wife and helpmeet of 53 years died. Two years later Ben Gurion really did retire. Much of his time was spent reading from his personal library of 20,000 books, and working on a third volume of his collected letters. Then, on December 1, 1973, in the midst of the Yom Kippur War, at the age of 87 years, he died and was buried by the side of his wife. Upon his death, not only the nation of Israel mourned its fallen leader, but others around the world grieved as well. America’s President Richard Nixon said, “It was with the deepest sorrow that I learned of the death of David Ben-Gurion. . . The people of America join with the people of Israel in mourning the passing of a gallant man. As we shared his ideals and hopes, not only for Israel but for all mankind, so we share in their loss.” Ben Gurion was a leader, beloved of his countrymen, hated by his foes, and honored by millions who came after him.

Today the land of Israel is no longer an uninhabitable land of dry, arid deserts and swampy, malaria infested grounds with Jews longing to someday dwell in the land of their fathers, but being denied the right to live there. Now thousands of Jews from all parts of the world have reclaimed the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They have drained swamps and established thriving cities, causing the desert to bloom and bear abundant fruit as Isaiah, the prophet of old had foretold. “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice , and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly. . . They shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God. . . For in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.” Everywhere, Jews have purchased land in Israel and with hard work have made a place fit for habitation. The college that Ben Gurion started in the Negev is prospering, and after his death was renamed Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in honor of Israel's great leader, who sought to pass on to the younger generations opportunities for learning and knowledge.
The land of Israel is not a land only of Jews. Arabs live peacefully with them, sharing in the labor and also in the government of the people. But, despite the early peace agreements signed with their neighbors, and almost 60 years of prosperous existence, the Israelis still face a constant struggle for survival. Yet they will survive, for the prophet Isaiah has also declared, “Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail . . . they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein.” Ben Gurion’s life of vision, courage, and determination still challenges us today to be leaders who never give up.

How was your week?
Have you read the June story yet?
What do you want to read next week?

Friday, June 1, 2018

David Ben-Gurion - Part 3

Hello FFFs,
This story may not be fiction this time, but I hope someone is enjoying it. Of course it was written quite a few years ago. I wonder if I should attempt to rewrite it.

Anyway . . . I'm posting this from another computer. Mine is sitting here, but it's not on. I was going to take it to someone last Sunday to see if he could fix it, but he wasn't at church. So I'll try again this Sunday. Hopefully he can fix it and I can get back to my regular schedule. At least I have my files on flash drives. But this computer doesn't have photoshop nor does it do some of the things mine could do, nor does it have Adblocker. Oh, well. I'm just thankful to have one to use.

I've been writing, and reading, and getting my June story ready to publish. It'll probably be out either Saturday or Monday. It'll just depend on when I can finish it. :)

Camp NaNo opened their cabins last evening, so I've already claimed my bunk Next Door. Do any of you want to join me? We'll take folks from other countries too. :) Just let me know if you do. Of course if you were in Next Door or the Chatter Box last time, you know who to contact.

And since this is already later than usual, I'm going to just post it. Enjoy!

World War II
It was the year 1939. World War II had begun and with it Hitler’s brutal determination to destroy the Jews. Ben Gurion knew that everyone in the Haganah and many others besides would have to work untiringly and efficiently to save their fellow Jews from the Nazis. He himself, though never actually assisting in the rescues, was in charge of everything. It was a heavy responsibility, and his approval was needed for each mission. The name they chose to use for their work of rescue was Aliyah Bet, which meant “second immigration.” Not only was the work strenuous and extremely dangerous anywhere behind Germany and her allies’ lines, but the British armed forces, under the direction of their leaders, also were doing all they could to keep more Jews out of Palestine. Their action was loudly denounced by Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, who was sympathetic to Zionism. The results produced by Aliyah Bet seemed to many as unexplainable miracles. And indeed they were. Miracles by the hand of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. By the end of the war, hundreds of Jews were saved from their enemies by Aliyah Bet under the hand of God.

Ben Gurion sat leaning back in a comfortable chair enjoying an evening at home with his beloved wife. At 59 years old, his hair was white. Most people his age were thinking of slowing down, but not Ben Gurion.
“Paula,” he declared suddenly, sitting upright and leaning forward eagerly. “The war has been over now for some time. Hitler is dead, but the British still won’t change their minds about immigration. We have got to do something!”
Paula glanced up, the book she had been reading dropping into her lap. “Is there anything that can be done but what we have already been doing?”
“Yes, there is.” Ben Gurion spoke slowly and thoughtfully. “Instead of just smuggling Jews in and talking about a national homeland, I realize now that I must support the armed underground rebellion. Also,” he continued, “tomorrow I am going to authorize the Haganah to begin collecting arms. We may have to fight for our freedom.”
Paula sat quietly for a moment, then she spoke softly, “Just be careful. The British, if they found out. . .”
“We will take every necessary precaution. It will take quite some time, I’m afraid, but the Haganah can do it.”

The Haganah did do it. The year 1946 passed and 1947. All during this time the British, fearing the Arabs would revolt if many Jews came to Palestine, sought to keep other Jews from immigrating there. It was becoming harder for Jews from other countries to enter the “Promised Land.” Many ships bringing Jews over were captured by the British, and those on board were either transported to detention camps on the island of Cyprus or taken back to where they had come from. Despite all this, Ben Gurion continued to pursue the dream of an independent nation. To this end, he labored. When in 1947 he heard that the United Nations had approved a plan to divide the land of Palestine between the Arabs and the Jews, he was willing to cooperate. But the Arabs would have nothing to do with dividing the land with Jews! This was Arab land, they claimed, even though there had always been Jews living in the land ever since the days of old when Joshua had conquered the land of Cannan.

A Nation At Last
“It must be. There is no other way,” Ben Gurion spoke firmly. “The British are pulling out of Palestine at midnight on May 14th. We will then declare our independence.” A murmur arose from those seated around the room. May 14th, that was not very far away.
“You do know what will happen if we do this, don’t you?” asked a voice somewhat hesitantly.
“I know what will happen if we do not do it. The Arabs will claim this land, and no Jews will be allowed to remain in it.”
“But why May 14th?”
The debate hotly continued for some time before finally coming to a vote. The resolution to declare, on May 14, 1948, that Israel was an independent nation, passed 6 to 4.

Now the eagerly awaited day had finally arrived and he, David Ben Gurion, was signing his name to an historic declaration of independence. At midnight the news was flashed around the world. Israel is a nation! The dream of years, of hardships, struggles and tears had finally become a reality. Only eleven minutes after midnight a message was brought to Ben Gurion from the President of the United States of America, Harry S. Truman, in which he recognized Israel as an independent nation. Though this was a time of great thankfulness and joy, the Jews had no time to celebrate, for every Arab nation surrounding the tiny strip of land that was Israel had banded together to “drive the Jews into the sea!”

Have you had computer troubles this week?
Are you eager to read the June story?
Are you doing Camp NaNo?