
Friday, May 13, 2022

Through an Author's Eyes - Part 23

 Good morning!

It's a beautiful morning! The sun is coming up and there's a delightful breeze. The birds have been singing and chirping for hours already. There's a chance of rain later today, but we'll see. In about 30 minutes I'm planning to go walk a mile before breakfast with my sis and my best friend. All my nieces and nephews except the oldest are going to be over for the day. Maybe we'll take a walk, or ride bikes later.

This week has been pretty normal. I've written and worked on designing a special  . . . Well, I guess I can tell you. I'm creating a KDWC journal. It will include spaces to write things about camp, pages to jot new story ideas down, Challenge Canyon trackers, coloring pages, and more. If you are planning on joining our next writing camp in July, you might want to consider getting one of these journals. Of course I have to finish it first. :)

Well, this is the last and final part of this story. I don't have any more written and I don't plan to write more any time soon. If ever. So I hope you enjoy it!


Through and Author's Eyes
Part 23


    “Um, guys,” Savanna remarked as the top of the peak was approaching, “this isn’t the mountain we were on.”
    “I think it’s the back of it,” Elijah said. “Somehow in our wanderings we reached the other side.”
    Savanna wasn’t convinced, but she only said in low tones to Annette, “I don’t think it is. But if we can reach the top, maybe we can find the right mountain.”
    “Listen!” Annette called suddenly.
    Everyone froze in their tracks. Heads tipped back and eyes scanned the blue sky. They all heard the helicopter, but it took several minutes before it was spotted in the distance. It came closer.
    “Wave, everyone!” Judah ordered.
    Hands began waving frantically. Would the pilot see them? What sort of helicopter was it? It was hard to tell at that distance.
    The chopper came lower and the pilot was seen. He seemed to be motioning them to climb up toward the peak of the mountain instead of along the side, and so the human chain turned.
    “I hope he’s telling any searchers where we are,” Elijah commented. “I’m getting a bit tired of going here and there and never reaching any place.”
    Annette had to agree.

    After another hour of almost constant moving upward, the top was reached and the group paused. The helicopter which had remained nearby the entire time, moved away and the roar of another helicopter, a larger one this time, turned every head.
    “Your military helicopter is coming to the rescue, Annette!” Savanna exclaimed.
    The chopper hovered overhead and then someone was seen coming down with a bucket. It seemed to take forever to the waiting hikers. Annette could feel the wind stinging her face and her eyes watered behind her sunglasses. Inside her boots, her toes ached, and she knew Savanna wasn’t the only one who would have a headache. She already had one.
    The basket was lowered and the man, his eyes covered with dark shades, looked at the group. “No one injured?”
    Heads were shaken.
    “You all looked dressed for hypothermia. We’re going to send you up two at a time in the basket. There’s another snow storm blowing in and we need to get you off the mountain. You two are first,” and he pointed to Jaina and Bethany.”
    Annette watched as the girls were situated in the basket, ropes attached to other ropes, and then, at a sign from the officer, the helicopter elevator began to rise. She didn’t have much time to watch it, however, for the officer on the ground began directing the rest of them and pairing them up for their trip. Annette found herself on the third ride up with Gabe as her companion.


    Everyone was back home. It felt good to be curled up in a comfortable chair with a blanket tucked snugly around her and her stomach full from a hot and tasty meal. Tiredly Annette stared into the bright flames of the fire in the fireplace. On the couch nearby Savanna sat too, with Ava snuggled next to her.
    It had been a crazy last few hours. After everyone had been taken into the helicopter where they had been given blankets and bottles of water, they had been flown to base and then taken to a hospital to be checked out. Everyone had insisted they were all right, but protests were useless. They had told the story of their experience on the mountains to park rangers, military men, and their parents. A few news stations had also wanted to hear from the lost hikers and wouldn’t wait for another day.
    Annette was glad it was all over.
    One by one the other members of the Vogel family entered the living room and settled down.
    “Well, Annette,” Uncle Cleveland remarked, “you got to climb the mountain. Did you get enough information for your story?”
    Her story. Annette shook her head slowly. “Maybe I’ll just skip that story. No one would believe it anyway. Perhaps I should just, oh, I don’t know, write about something tame like cattle rustlers, or thieves.”
    “Something you don’t have to experience?” Uncle Cleveland asked with a smile.
    After a wide yawn, Annette yawned and nodded. Though she was tired, she couldn’t help wondering what other adventures she would experience out west before her visit was over. Her eyes closed. She’d think about her story tomorrow.

Do you enjoy walking in the early morning?
Do you think this was a good ending to the story?
Do you a special journal for writing camp would be fun?


Chloe said...

Aww, that was a happy ending! I really liked this story. I hope you publish it. ;)

I haven't gone walking in the early morning, but I think it would be beautiful! Everything is fresh and the birds are extra chipper then. Ooo, a journal sounds fun!

Chloe said...

I did think that maybe Levi would propose to Jaina on the mountain or something though. heehee

Chloe said...

Well, I wrote a comment, published it, then replied to myself and it took out the first one. So here's the whole thing:

Aww, that was a great ending! I really like this story. I hope you publish it. ;) I did think that maybe Levi would propose to Jaina on the mountain or something, though. heehee

I haven't gone walking in early morning, but it sounds beautiful. Everything is fresh and birds are extra chipper then. Ooo, a journal sounds fun!

Rebekah said...

That's odd that it took out the first comment. I'm seeing two of them. Strange.
Oh well. :)
I'm glad to know you enjoyed the story. I hadn't even thought about Levia proposing to Jaina! That would have been fun.
I love walking in the morning when things are still pretty quiet and fresh.

Lydia Coral W said...

I love it!!! And I want more!! And I want it published!😂

Lydia Coral W said...

Oh, and I think the writing journals sound amazing😍

Rebekah said...

Oh you do, huh? Well, I don't know what else I'd write. :D
I can't wait to be able to share the writing journals with everyone! I had so much fun making it!