
Friday, July 22, 2022

Kate & Kylie - Part 2

 Good morning!

Welcome to another triple digit Friday. Yep, we're heading to the triple digits once again in temperatures. We've reached 107º twice this week and that wasn't counting any heat index. But yesterday the humidity dropped. I think it's because we've had so much heat that it's finally sucked the last of the moisture from the air which can make things even more dangerous when you are outside because you don't realize how hot you are as you do when there is humidity. We did have some clouds, fluffy clouds not rain clouds, last evening and this morning which is nice. But the grasses are pretty much brown. The trees are dropping leaves like it's fall, and we are longing for rain!

But enough about our lovely weather. (I don't want to make you jealous.) ;) 

This week I have gotten in some writing. Not as much as I had hoped, but I did write 2k on Saturday and 2k on Monday, so that was fun. And I wrote 1k yesterday. I've been jumping around from story to story not sure what I should settle on. I think part of that is because I don't know if Lawrence & Lenexa will need more work or not, and part is because I have tried and tried to write this Christmas play for church and nothing has worked. Finally last night I had an idea and I think it will work. Now I just need to write it.

Camp is going well. There's a lot of writing going on and chatting. Hard to believe that it's already the 22nd of July! The days are flying!

Well, I hope you enjoy this next part of Kate & Kylie. I know I've given it to you once before, but you can read it again before you get a new part.


Part 2

    “Kate, I’ll reschedule. I can’t just leave you here alone if you’re having contractions.” Kylie stood near the front door, her purse over one shoulder but a frown on her face. “I mean, what if this time it’s real, and the baby decides to come, and I’m not here?”
    “Kylie, I’m fine! These contractions are not even close together. How many other women have been left alone three weeks before their baby is due? I’m not made of glass.”
    “But I told Joe–”
    “Kylie Smith, you are going to go have lunch with Mitch. If you don’t, I’ll text him and tell him you’re sick. That will bring him here.” And Kate rested her hands on her hips.
    “But I’m not sick.”
    “You’ve almost talked yourself into being sick with nervousness. Come on, you’re an extrovert.”
    Kylie sighed. “Kate, just because I’m an extrovert doesn’t mean I never get anxious or nervous. I mean, I haven’t talked to Mitch for two years. We’ve changed.” Her voice dropped. “At least I’ve changed.” She shook her head quickly as though to shake off her thoughts and said somewhat ruefully, “And now we’re having lunch together. I don’t know why I agreed to do this.” She chewed on her lower lip and looked out the front door.
    Her twin placed a hand on her arm. “You’ll be fine, Kylie,” Kate said softly. “If I weren’t so noticeably pregnant, I’d be tempted to trade places with you again.” Her remark brought a smile to Kylie’s face.
    “Somehow I don’t think Joe would like it if you went out to lunch with a strange guy.”
    “Oh, I’d just tell him I was interviewing the man as a possible candidate for brother-in-law.” Kate smiled innocently.
    “Kate!” Kylie clutched her purse strap and glared at her sister. “Don’t ever suggest such things if Mitch is around! I may not even like him anymore.”
    “Well,” Kate said practically, “you won’t know unless you actually meet him. Now, if you aren’t out in that car and backing out of the driveway in two minutes, I’m texting Mitch and telling him you might be coming down with something.”
    “You’re impossible!”
    “I know.”
    Kylie couldn’t help but grin at her sister. Sometimes Kate got under her skin, but she couldn’t do without her. “If you start having contractions closer together or stronger, let me know at once! I’ll come right home.”
    “I’m fine, and I’ll let you know. Now get going!”
    Kylie got. Moments later she was driving toward the local cafe, a place much loved by nearly everyone. “Lord,” she prayed, “I don’t know what I’m doing. Please help me. It would be nice if I still liked Mitch, but it has been so long. And I’m nervous. Why did I run into him on the 4th? Please be with Kate while I’m gone. I don’t know which I’m more nervous about–Kate having her baby or having lunch with Mitch.” She heaved a sigh and pulled into the parking lot of the cafe, glad to find it not too busy. The lunch rush must not have arrived yet. “Well, here we are. Please help me, Father!”
    She could see Mitch standing casually near the front of the quaint building. One hand was shoved into his pants pocket just as he used to stand waiting for her. Pausing before she got out, Kylie studied him, for it had been dark when she had seen him on the 4th. His hair was cut short, and he was watching a mother with three children walk by as a smile spread across his face.
    Letting out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, Kylie grabbed her purse and reached for the door handle. “He still looks like the Mitch I knew.”
    The air was humid and hot. Mitch saw her and smiled as she approached. “Hi,” he said. “Hungry?”
    Kylie nodded. “It doesn’t look too busy. I think we beat the lunch rush. Thanks.” She stepped through the door Mitch opened for her. “Do you eat here often?”
    “I’ve actually never eaten here before,” admitted Mitch, casting a quick glance around. “Reminds me of Ma’s Kitchen back in Iowa.”
    “Table for two?”
    Kylie nodded and then followed the waitress to a booth near the back of the cafe.
    As Mitch slid into the seat across from her, Kylie wondered for the seventh, or was it the seventieth, time why she had agreed to this plan of having lunch together. Picking up her menu, she scanned it even though she already knew what she wanted.
    “So, what’s the best thing to get?”
    Kylie looked up. “That depends on if you want chicken or beef.”
    “Tell me the best of both and I’ll pick.”
    A smile found its way to Kylie’s lips. That was exactly what Mitch from two years ago would have said. “The grilled chicken sandwich is the best chicken meal. But if you want beef, go with the smothered cow.”
    “Wow, they both sound good.” And Mitch studied both selections with care. “Although a smothered cow sounds a bit–interesting. But I’ll try it. What are you getting? Chicken?”
    Kylie nodded. “Sometimes I get the pasta, but Kate can’t stand the smell of chicken right now, and I’ve been longing for some.”
    “When’s she due?”
    “Three weeks. She’s had some contractions today, so if I get a call or text, I’m leaving.”
    Mitch grinned. “I don’t blame you. Is this the first niece, nephew–?”
    “Yes. Kate and Joe decided not to find out, and I can’t wait!”
    Just then their waitress returned with waters for them and took their order. When she left, Kylie squeezed two lemon slices into her water and then ate another one.
    “I still don’t know how you can stand to eat those things.” And Mitch made face.
    Kylie laughed, remembering his shock the first time she had eaten a lemon slice. 


Do you like lemon slices?
Are your temperatures in the triple digits?
 Should I repost the first parts of Lawrence & Lenexa?


Chloe said...

The sisterly interactions made me smile! I enjoyed this and am excited for the next part! I don't think I've ever just eaten a lemon slice. Do you like them?
Wow, sounds like you all need rain! Our temperatures have gotten to 103 recently, I think, but not too high.
Sure, I would like to read the first parts of Lawrence and Lenexa again. That would be fun to have that to read and know that the whole book is coming soon, Lord willing.
My commenting will likely be sporadic as I don't plan to be on the internet as much. But your blog posts are a highlight for me and I hope to still comment and "talk" with you when I can. :D

Rebekah said...

Yes, I do like lemons. Maybe not as much as Kylie, but I have eaten them at restaurants before. Glad you are enjoying this. :)
Yeah, it's hot. It only got to 103º today. You know it's hot when you say "only" before a three digit temperature.
Okay, once I know about the ending for L&L, I'll know if I should repost or wait.
Aw, I'm glad you enjoy these posts so much, Chloe.