
Friday, August 17, 2018

It's Friday?

Good morning FFFs!
It's a rumbling, rainy morning here. It sounds like the perfect weather to curl up with a good book, or just go back to bed. :) But I have things to do. I always seem to have things to do.

This week has been a jumble of trying to get things done and other things.
Writing classes started this week, and I have 9 students in 4 different classes all on Tuesday morning. It was a bit crazy, but things went well.
I also got a new computer! I'm really liking it, except that the CD player won't pull in the disc all the way and play it. I may end up having to send the computer back because I use that player regularly. But I wanted to keep trying it a little longer and see if there is anything else that is a problem. That's one reason I haven't moved all my files over.

The rest of the week have been such a mixture of this and that, writing, editing, getting ready for writing classes, practicing the violin, and being distracted by Little League. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed by everything. I wanted to run away to a cabin and hide. Other times I wanted to get the entire list of things done. I was planning on getting a longer story for you this week, but with everything going on, that didn't happen. So I just picked one. It was one I thought of posting a few weeks ago, but never did.

But if you want something else, my August story, The Way to Go is Free today and tomorrow.


It was quite chilly when I crawled out of my sleeping bag and, unzipping my tent door, stepped out into the crisp morning. Everything was quiet and still. The brown grass at my feet crunched with each
footstep. Stately, old pine trees stood guard on the bit of land which juts out into the aqua and teal lake where scarcely a ripple disturbs its placid face. Across from my camping site, on the other side of the lake, march row upon row of trees, up the mountainside, until the snow-covered cliffs halt most of them.
     I gave a sigh of contentment. This was the first time I had gotten to be alone for more than fifteen minutes since the whirl of things began. I don’t know when the whirl started exactly, it just seemed to creep up and then I was in the midst of it all. Now at last maybe I can get some much needed rest, to try to sort things out, to understand, to consider, to decide. Out here alone I hope to be able to find the peace and joy I had. Alone? No, not really. My Heavenly Father is here and that is all I need. It was His hand that guided through all: weddings and funerals, births and deaths, over-work and no work at all, excitement of courtships and heartache of breakups, tornadoes and earthquakes, political unrest and political victories; all combined to frazzle a mind already bewildered with the many decisions of everyday life.
     I think I’ll just sit here today by my campfire and let the quietude of the mountains and water calm my feelings as I read the dearest book in the world. How can I help but grow refreshed when the Author of each word and thought is my Lover and Friend, my Father, my Savior, my Jesus? If I knew Him not, I would surely be the most miserable of all persons. Some people thought my coming away into this wilderness alone was just a way of trying to escape from everything and hide. They were somewhat right. I am hiding from everything. But not as they think. My Hiding Place is the Rock in a weary land, the Shelter in storms, a Tower, a Shield, a Refuge. No, I don’t expect everything to be perfect when I return, but it will be okay. The sun on those snow covered peaks is glorious!
     The birds are singing above me, and I hear a squirrel chattering somewhere. Maybe I’ll go sit on that rock in the sun. No worries, no cares, no thought for tomorrow. Isn’t that how life is supposed to be? I can echo the psalmist when he penned the words, “Oh that I had wings like a dove, then would I fly away and be at rest.” But it wouldn’t be the same rest which the Shepherd gives to His sheep. On the whole, I am glad, thankful even, that I have a heart which can feel pain and joy, love and sorrow, and my Savior’s matchless, boundless, endless mercy, grace and love!

My days alone here are ended. I’m going back to be ”in the world but not of it.” Peace and rest fill me as I go with my All-In-All.
Have you ever felt like you needed to get away from everything?
Have you ever actually gotten away?
What sort of story do you want next week?

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