
Friday, February 19, 2021

Travels of Tracy - Winter

 Good morning and happy winter!

We have snow still on the ground. Sunday morning it started to snow and church was cancelled. It snowed all day. And it snowed all day Monday. Everyone was asked to stay home unless it was vitally important since the roads were slick and there were quite a few traffic accidents. And it was cold. Down in the single digits with wind chills in the -10º to -20º range. On Tuesday the sun came out! It was still cold. But my best friend and I decided to bundle up and go for a walk in the snow. The snow was powdery, not packing snow like we usually get. It was fun to get out and we stayed quite warm except for parts of our faces. Tuesday night we got more snow. And it snowed half a day on Wednesday. We probably got at least 8 inches of snow since Sunday. (Note: We usually get 1-2 inches of snow at a time in winter.) Yesterday was sunny. But the snow didn't melt much because it was just above freezing for a very short time. We'll see what happens today. It's a clear morning sky, but it's still supposed to be in the 20ºs.

Besides the cold and snow, what have I been up to? Let's see.

  • Organizing and cleaning out files on my computer.
  • Writing more of "Phil Wood" (it's 1/3 of the way done).
  • Working on blog posts.
  • Postponing our church's Widows' Luncheon again (This is the 2nd time this month!)
  • Enjoying the snow.
  • Reading.
  • And normal life.

 Today's story is one I haven't posted for quite some time. I wrote a series of stories about Tracy and the plan was to get them published, but that hasn't happened yet. So, you get to enjoy this story here and now. At least I hope you enjoy it. :)


Travels of Tracy - Winter

    “It’s a good thing Tad insisted I get snow tires put on before I tried driving to Grandma’s,” Tracy Linnet remarked. There was no reply, but Tracy didn’t expect one, for her companion who occupied the other front seat of her small, blue Road Runner, was Madalyn, a long-haired, yellow tabby and her almost constant companion.
    The sun was bright in the frosty blue sky and everywhere it could possibly lie, was snow. It was piled on bare branches and rail fences. Large evergreens stood weighted down with heaps of cold, white glitter. Everything looked cold and white.
    “How nice Grandma’s warm kitchen will be, won’t it, Lyn?” Tracy glanced over at her cat who purred from a soft little nest on one of Tracy’s college jackets.
    A sudden noise brought a worried frown to Tracy’s lips and a pucker to her forehead. The car gave a sporadic cough or two and then died.
    “Oh dear,” Tracy sighed, trying in vain to restart the little engine. “Lyn, what are we to do?” Picking up the cat, Tracy squinted about her at the snowy landscape, looking for a house or another car. Nothing but unbroken snow could she see until she saw the little covered bridge. As she peered at it, she thought she could see tracks leading either in or out of the bridge. Where they came from or where they were heading, she couldn’t make out from where she sat.
    “Lyn,” she rubbed her cheek softly against the furry motor that rumbled in her arms, “if you were bigger, you could run the car instead of the real engine, but you aren’t. What should we do? Should we sit here and hope someone comes along? That might not be until tomorrow.”
    Lyn yawned and flicked her tail.
    “That’s what I thought. It might be warm in here now with the sun shining, but it won’t be up many more hours and then it will be cold, and Tad would worry if he tried to call me at Grandma’s. Maybe there is a house on the other side of that bridge, hidden behind that pine tree. At least we can go to the bridge and take a look around.”
    Reaching back and picking up her warm coat from the seat behind her, Tracy managed to pull it on in the close confines of the car. Replacing her jaunty little cap at the correct angle on her head, she tied her scarf, pulled on her gloves and opened the door.
    “Come on Lyn,” she said, turning to scoop up the cat after she stepped out into the snow. “I’m not leaving you here alone.”
    Once the car door was shut and the keys were in her pocket, Tracy started forward. She was thankful her new, black GoGo boots came nearly to her knees because some of the drifts she was discovering were quite high. The wind was rather biting and Lyn meowed plaintively.
    “Oh, you poor thing,” murmured Tracy, unbuttoning her coat and tucking her beloved cat inside.
    Soon she came to a rail fence covered with snow. Most of this she brushed off before attempting to climb it. “I’m afraid these clothes weren’t designed for climbing fences,” she sighed as she heard the sound of tearing fabric. “Oh, brrr!” A bit of snow, knocked off the fence, had fallen down the top of her boot. “Perhaps I should have stayed in the car and waited for Tad to come along tomorrow.” Sadly she looked back across the fence at the bright blue car sitting so contentedly in the sunshine.
    Discovering that the footprints didn’t go farther than an unplowed road but returned again to the other side of the bridge, Tracy decided to follow them, but paused to read the sign above the bridge. “Please walk your horses across.” She gave a little laugh. “If I had a horse, I’d be happy to walk him if he just didn’t break down.”
    It was a neat old bridge and had Tracy not been anxious to find help, she would have stopped to admire it. As it was she trudged steadily on, feeling the nippy wind on her face, the rumbling purr of Lyn tucked snuggly in her coat, and the cold, wet snow in her boot.
    At last, rounding a bend in the road, she discovered to her great delight, a house. It wasn’t large, but there was smoke coming from its chimney and someone was outside with a snow shovel.
    “Hello,” Tracy called.
    The figure with the shovel turned around. “Hi! Where did you come from?”
    Tracy couldn’t help but laugh. The boyish figure and the blunt question reminded her of Tad’s younger brother. “I came from down the road. My car is stuck.”
    “In the snow?”
    “No, it just quit running.”
    “Hmm,” the boys pondered this while he leaned on his shovel. “Well, my brother’s at college and Dad’s still at work. Mom can mash potatoes and roast turkeys and bake the best tasting pies you ever had, but she’s no good with engines. Of course there’s Gramps. He can fix anything. Why don’t you come inside and I’ll ask him.”
    To this Tracy nodded agreement.
    “Mom!” the boy hollered as they stepped inside the warm house.
    A clear voice answered, “I’m in the kitchen, Dean.”
    At his beckon, Tracy followed Dean down the hall and into a snug little kitchen with cheery red walls. A pleasant faced woman turned from the sink.
    “Her car’s broke down. Got to see if Gramps’ll fix it.”
    Tracy blinked. The boy had spoken rapidly and then disappeared from the room.
    “Where did it break down?”
    “On the other side of the covered bridge.”
    “And you walked all this way in those shoes. You poor thing.”
    Lyn, disturbed from her nap, tried to stretch and Tracy unbuttoned her coat to let her out asking as she did so, “You don’t have a dog, do you?”
    “No.” The woman turned. “Well, so you carried your cat in your coat!”
    It was only a matter of minutes before Dean came back with Gramps.
    “Gramps’ll fix it.”
    “We’ll go in the truck,” Gramps said and Tracy quickly picked up Lyn, said a quick good-bye and hurried after the two figures.

    The ride in the truck was much quicker and to Tracy’s delight her car’s trouble was fixed in half an hour.
    “Well, Lyn,” she sighed when they were alone. “Here we are again. I wonder what Tad will say tomorrow when I tell him? Maybe I won’t tell him,” she decided. Then, reaching down and unzipping her boot, she pulled it off. Rummaging around in her bag on the back seat, she remarked to Lyn who was washing her face, “I’d rather drive with my slippers on than with a cold leg and foot.” 

How has your weather been?
Have you ever had your car stuck in the snow?
What have you been doing this week?


Edith said...

Yes, it's still very cold here too! I have not ever had a car stuck in the snow, but I've seen quite a few in the last couple of days, and it does not look like a fun situation! I have been playing in the snow as much as possible before it all melts, and procrastinating doing school. :) I cannot focus when it is so pretty outside!

Rebekah said...

I agree! It's hard to concentrate when there's snow outside and it's just begging to be played in. :D

Katja L. said...

Ahh, fun story, Rebekah!

Rebekah said...

Thanks, Kats.

Anonymous said...

Great story!!! I've nvr been stuck in the snow, but my parents and I have had a flat tire on a cold January night. Madelyn was a sweet addition to this story!

Rebekah said...

Oh, a flat tire at night in January doesn't sound like fun. I don't usually write about cats, so I'm glad you enjoyed Madelyn. :)

Ellen said...

A new story! Yay! *dances excitedly* :) I enjoyed this post!
Will there be a part 2 next week?

Rebekah said...

:D Do you want to read the rest of the "Travels of Tracy" stories? I could probably post them all for you. ;)

Ellen said...

I would love that, thank you! :D

Heidi said...

Love it! I haven't had a car stuck in the snow but my sister and I were in a snow caused car crash a few weeks ago.

Rebekah said...

Yikes, Heidi! A snow caused car crash doesn't sound good at all! I hope you were both okay.