Friday, June 5, 2020

Into June

Good morning FFFs,
    I'm sorry to inform you that I don't have a story for you today. I planned on getting one picked out to post yesterday, but I ended up being very busy helping create the new Christian Writer's Camp since I'm not using NaNo any longer. The new place is already looking good even if we haven't finished setting it all up. You'll be able to be in a "tent" with your own friends, or can be assigned a tent. You can visit the Campfire or the Lakeside to chat and hang out with people who are not in your "tent," and you can do word sprints on the Writing Trails. Oh, and yes, we will have a place to keep track of your goals. I'll let you all know when it's up and ready for campers. ;)

    This week was warm. Okay, some of the days have been hot. But we've had sunshine! Yesterday was cloudy and we got rain in the morning, then the sun came out and no more rain.

    I worked as an election judge once again on Tuesday. This is the first time we've had an election in June so it was odd opening the polls when it was already starting to get light out. And leaving the polls after we'd packed up when it was still very much light out. We had a fairly good turn out in spite of the virus keeping some people away. We were only required to wear gloves not masks unless we wanted to. None of us did. :)

    Guess what? I got the proof copies of my Secret Project! I am pretty excited! Make sure you are following Read Another Page because in a few weeks I'll be releasing the covers on there.

    Speaking of Secret Project, I'm working on Book 3. Right now things are a little difficult trying to figure out how everything works and what comes next, and I've been a little distracted. My goal is to get this book written by the end of this month. I'm not sure if I can or not, but you can be praying the ideas would all come together.

    Oh, and I did accept the job to work in the County Clerk's office here in town for the month of July. I'll be working Monday–Thursday. It should be interesting. I am hoping I'll still be able to get some writing done in the evenings and on weekends.

    And since I'll be gone most of next month, I'm trying to get blog posts for Read Another Page done and scheduled for this month, next month, and at least a few in August.

   Anyway, that's my life right now. Sorry for no story. I'll try to have something for you next week.

How was your week?
Are you interested in a Christian Writing Camp?
Are you excited to learn more about my Secret Project?


Ellen said...

Thanks for posting this update, Rebekah! 😊 I am SO excited to learn more about your secret writing project, and I can't wait for the cover reveal! 🤗


Rebekah said...

Thanks, Ellen. I can't wait to share my project with everyone! :D

Edith Bingham said...


I'm new around here, and I absolutely love your writing, but I just recently stumbled across this blog. I was SO excited!! Like, wait, she has more that I can read?!?!

The Christian Writing Camp sounds super fun, but I'm not a writer, just a reader:)

I'm DYING to know what your secret project!!!! PLEEEAAAASSSEEEE reveal the covers soon!!!!

My week has been great (it's so good to start getting to do stuff with people again!!), but it is getting pretty hot here in Texas. Good thing is the heat kills COVID....but it might kill me at the same time:)


Rebekah said...

Hi, Edith!
Welcome to Rebekah's Reading Room! I hope you enjoy all sorts of stories and tid bits. :)

I can't wait to show you these covers because yes, this Secret Project is more than one books. :) It's actually the first 3 books in a series. So stay tuned.

Yeah, the heat will be good for killing COVID, but I'm with you on wondering if it will kill me too. ;)

Ah, well, since you aren't a writer, I'll try to keep you supplied with things to read.
Thanks for commenting! I love it when new readers show up.

Leona said...

My week has gone well! We've been getting busier, which is nice, in a way. ;)
Yes, I'm looking forward to the Christian Writing Camp! And I am excited to learn more about the Secret Project!
Also, I finished Home Fires of the Great War a couple days ago; I loved it! In the bio in the back, you said you were working on a sequel... but I don't see it anywhere on your "bookshelf". Is that something that is still in the works? Because I'd LOVE to read more about Emma, Edmund, Maria, and all of them! And my brothers are reading or did read it as well, and I'm sure they'd like to learn more too. :)

Rebekah said...

Hi, Leona!
We're working on getting the Writing Camp set up. Hopefully it will be ready soon. :D
My original plan was to write a "Home Fires of the Great Depression" and then a "Home Fires of WWII" but that didn't happen. I do have "Ria and the Gang" stories that I'm trying to work on getting published as kindle books for now. That will give a little more about Emma and Edmund. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. :)

Leah said...

Arrgh! *cannot wait for more time so I can read your writing* You are on my list of blogs, so I'll make sure I come here and read what I can!

Rebekah said...

:) Thanks, Leah, for wanting to read more. I'll try to have something for you this Friday. :)