Friday, August 3, 2018


Good morning FFFs,
Sorry, I don't have a story for you this time. After finishing the last story, I haven't had time to write a new one, and I haven't gone through my old ones and picked one to republish. But, since it seems that most of you have been busy with other things anyway this summer, you can just catch up on this last story.😃

What have I done this week?

Sunday – It was a wonderful day to relax. It was rainy and cooler. After church we visited some and then came home and ate lunch. I spent my afternoon reading.

Monday–Thursday – It was a stay-at-home week which was wonderful! I didn't have any writing students. (Regular classes will start on the 14th of this month.) We didn't babysit (though we will this evening), and the temperatures have been in the 60s in the mornings so Sis and I have gotten to get out and walk! Lovely! I did work nursery at church Wednesday night, only there were no little ones and the other worker and I ended up sitting in the nursery talking the whole time. And then I practiced music.

But there are other things I've been working on during the days. I finally finished listening to the audio of my book Finding Joy. And Dylan's Story is almost ready for me to proof listen to as well. I'm trying to get my August short story finished so I can publish it. I've finished two chapters of Hymns in the Hills, gotten ideas for some of the other month stories, worked on some Five Fall Favorites planning, scanned pictures of my grandparents in the 1940s, worked on blog posts, and a host of other things. I actually feel like I've been making progress on getting some things done instead of just treading water, or doing enough to keep me going but not really getting anywhere.

Tomorrow is the last Saturday before the elections, so I'll be heading out to knock doors and do some sign waving for my brother. It's supposed to be hot, but maybe the morning will start out nice.

And that's it. I'm hoping to get a lot done today, though I never feel like doing much after I clean the house. Does anyone else ever feel that way? Probably not. Oh, well. Hopefully next week I'll have a story for you all to read. If anyone wants to read one. 😉


Ashley said...

Hi Rebekah!

That’s nice you were able to have somewhat of a relaxing week. :)
Yes, sometimes I feel that way after cleaning the house too. Time for a nap or a long break. :)
What position is your brother running for? My sisters and I love helping out with elections. We have been knocking on doors and handing out literature for our favorite candidate for school board. Next we’re going to do some sign waving. It’s so much fun!


Rebekah said...

Hi Ashley!
My brother is running for County Collector (think tax collector ;)) He has an opponent, but not many people think much of him, and my brother has a lot of support. Election is coming up! I LOVE sign waving! There's just something fun about "screaming at helpless cars" as a friend put it. ;)

Ashley said...

Oh, that’s great! I hope he gets in.
Hahaha, yes! Have you ever gotten an opportunity to work at the voting polls? I did for the presidential election and it was a blast!

Rebekah said...

I've worked at the polls for years. :) I'm one of the supervisory judges who has to take the ballots to the courthouse after the polls close. I can't work on Tuesday because my brother will be on the ballot. It will be strange not working.

Ashley said...

How neat!