
Friday, November 30, 2012

A Christmas Disaster - Part 1

Hello Faithful Friday Fiction Fans,
I hope your week was wonderful. Mine was rather crazy. It was the kind of week you thought would be one way and instead it wasn't.
As I mentioned last week, we were getting ready for Decorating Day. On Sat. one of my Heart-Sisters came down and we started in on the decorating. It was a good start and we were pretty pleased with what we had accomplished. So on Sunday, when the others who were coming over to help, arrived, I thought, "Hey, we should be able to get a lot done." I wasn't taking into consideration the "help" of the kiddos. :) Goofball wanted to touch everything and play with everything and Funny Boy wanted to play with the train and have someone read "shrain" stories to him. (He absolutely loves trains.) Pickle Puss was a little more helpful, but she really just wanted to play with the dolls. As for Doodle Bug, we had to put him in the pack 'n play or he was in to everything! He didn't mind too much because we gave him all kinds of things to play with. :)
Well, we got some things done, but not a whole lot. I figured I'd just finish it all on Monday.

Monday. We had to go shopping to get a few more garlands because we had used them all and needed a few more. No decorating that day.
Tuesday. I managed to finish the downstairs, but didn't get anything done with the upstairs.
Wednesday. I got a start on the upstairs before Mom wanted to go walking. It was really nice out. Then I had to go help pull more things for orders for Light of Faith. I did finished the office that afternoon.
Yesterday- Finally, I was able to get the rest of the decorating done! What a relief! Then I really got to work on grading papers. I have to finish the rest of them today.

Today- We clean house, I finish grading papers and then this evening, S and I babysit 11 children ages 7 and under. :) What to come play? Should be interesting. And yes, we'll have some "twins" and maybe even a set of "triplets." The youngest ones will be about 1 1/2. The parents are all going to a "Living Christmas Tree" and didn't want to take the kids along.  Can't say that I blame them.

I have written some. Finally managed to finish the story I was writing. I'm not sure what I'll write now since no one has told me what they want to read this December. But last night in bed I was almost in the mood to write TCR again. :) I thought some of you might like it if I worked on that story. :D

Now, remember that tomorrow is the 1st of December and in December I post randomly during the month. Not just on Fridays any more. In fact, this story that is starting today, will be posted every Friday and Wednesday! So, be sure to come back for Wednesday's parts.  I hope you enjoy this story.

P.S. I now have a new page on this blog. One from which you can purchase any of my books. I even have a 10% off code you cand use. Feel free to share that page with family and friends or link to it on your blog. (If you have one. :))

It has to be a Christmas story
Word Count: At least 3,000 (I ended up with 7,000)

This was a painting on a tray.
(As you may notice, I did change the setting just a little. I took out the colored lights and made them just plain white. The clothes, carriage and colored lights just don't fit in the same setting.)

A Christmas Disaster
Part 1

    The streets were wet and slushy. Snow was falling in large flakes seeking to cover the streets once again with their whiteness and prevent the travel of carriages. Bright lights from a large tree in the center of town cast pools of splendor on the snow, the wet streets, the rooftops and gave a festive air to the scene. The shops along either side fairly glowed with Christmas cheer. Gleaming, polished windows filled with toys, candy, baked goods and more attracted the attention of several passers by causing them to pause, look and then enter the shops. The background of grayish-blue mountains spoke of a more western town while the white sky with no sunset appearing told of more snow.
    Pushing his greatcoat away from his neck and unbuttoning another button, Mr. Thompson clucked to his old horse while behind him in the back of his carriage, Stephanie and Alex laughed and talked.
    “Cut!” Mr. Sheets roared. “No, Bennett, you can’t unbutton your coat. Remember, it’s growing colder. Act cold! Hunch into your coat.”
    “But I’m sweltering,” Bennett, who was playing the part of the carriage driver, grumbled.
    “At least you don’t have a heavy blanket over your lap,” Stephanie retorted from behind him.
    “Mr. Sheets,” Alex’s clear voice carried across the large stage. “If this play is going to look realistic, perhaps we should turn the air conditioning on. At least for the parts outside. That way we could look the part a little easier.
    From where she had halted on the sidewalk when the order to “cut” had come, Chloe turned eagerly. “Oh, please, let’s!”
    Mr. Sheets turned to look at Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Hocker and Mr. Simcox. “Well,” he questioned with a sigh, “what do you all think?”
    “Instead of turning the air conditioning on, why don’t we just open the windows?” Mrs. Hocker suggested. “It’s plenty cold enough to keep even these hot blooded young people from reaching the boiling point.”
    A general laugh spread from the teachers to the high school students on stage and then circled through the students in the wings and backstage.
    Coolidge High School was preparing their 7th annual Christmas play. Each year they had grown more adventurous and more elaborate until two years ago when they had outgrown the small stage in the school and had been allowed the use of the town’s only theater. Since the final production was open for all the town folks and anyone from the surrounding farms, villages or neighboring towns, everyone worked hard. On opening night Story-Time Playhouse was usually filled, but on the closing night last year, after a run of five days, there had been standing room only and not much of that.
    This year would be the best one yet. All the students had pitched in painting scenery, designing and sewing costumes, memorizing lines, managing lights, sounds, scene changes and, as a grand addition, the school orchestra was providing live music. For weeks the school had been in a bustle after classes, between classes and before classes. The chatter in the hallways was about the play; teachers as well as students were excited. Now it was less than a week until opening night.
    Bennett buttoned up his greatcoat and hunched down though sweat dotted his forehead and trickled down his back.
    “And start,” Mr. Sheets called when the windows had been opened and the cold, snow laden air was blowing in.
    Mr. Thompson clucked to his horse again and started off across the stage as the fake snow began falling once more.
    “I say, Driver,” Alex called over the wind, “can’t you let us off for an hour to do some shopping? My wife is eager to see what these shops have to offer out here in the West.”
    Tipping his head back a little to glance at the sky, Mr. Thompson shook his head. “I can let you off all right, but coming back in an hour, well sir, that’s somethin’ else.”
    “Well!” Stephanie exclaimed, “Of all things! Wouldn’t you like to earn more money?”
    “Sure, sure, but this snow has only just started. Carriages won’t be any use in an hour.”
    “Won’t be any use?” echoed his passengers.
    “Nope. You’ll need a sleigh then and mine isn’t returned from the blacksmith’s yet. If you’re plannin’ on being around town for many more days, you might just get snowed in.”
    The couple in the back exchanged a quick consultation and decided to be taken to their hotel. Mr. Thompson turned his horse, and they slowly plodded off the stage.
    “Well done,” Mrs. Brown clapped. “But Steph, try to sound a little more annoyed.”
    “Mr. Sheets, are we going on with the next scene?” Derek had hurried on stage to ask. He was the stage manager, a senior and the older brother of Bennett.
    After a quick glance at his watch, Mr. Sheets shook his head. “No, we’d better not,” he decided. “The first three scenes are great, but we’ll work on the rest tomorrow.” Then, raising his voice he called out, “All right, that’s it for today! All of you get home and get your homework done!”
    A loud groan came from behind the stage followed by laughter and a wave of chatter.
    “Hey everyone, listen up!” Mr. Simcox’s deep voice bellowed and an instant silence prevailed. “On Friday the orchestra will join us for the first time. Mr. Hocker thinks they’re ready for us, but let’s make sure we’re ready for them. Mrs. Hocker won’t be here tomorrow as she’s going to be reading the parts for the orchestra while they play.” He turned to the other teachers, “Do any of you have anything to add?” At the shaking of heads, Mr. Simcox dismissed the students and turned to shut windows.

    “It sure was kind of Mr. Randolph to let us keep Dilly over here in his stable,” Bennett remarked, after bedding down his horse which was being used in the play.
    “It sure was,” Derek agreed, pulling his knitted cap down over his dark hair.

Did you like the beginning?
Will you be back on Wednesday for the next part?
What do you think happens?

1 comment:

Grace Mae said...

HI Bekah! I really like this story and can't wait to read the rest this month. I would love to read TCR. Maybe you could post recipes or Christmas craft idea. How about the hats you are knitting? Anyways, hope this helps you.