
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Meleah's Western - Part 48

Welcome to Western Wednesday!
Western is really going to town. Last night I got two westerns written
each in about an hour. And the night before I finished a western and
wrote another western. That means four westerns were written in two
days! And, I don't have to babysit this week, so though my days may be
full, my evenings look free. Mom says I'm like a horse that has sighted
the barn!:)

one exciting thing happened yesterday. I got together with a friend who
is an artist and she is going to start working on some ideas for the
cover picture! Thanks Brittany!!!! I can't wait to see what it looks

I have a very busy day today and so have to go.
Part 48! Oh, by the way, this part introduces some friends of mine.:) I
don't know if they will recognize themselves in it, but it was fun to
put them in.:)

Part 48

Agreeing to take turns walking, Ty, Sally and Carson continued on their
way. It was slow traveling now for Starlight wasn’t used to walking
without shoes and now that she only had three, she walked with a limp,
favoring her shoeless foot especially over rocky ground. For three days
they traveled thus and on the fourth day, as Sally was walking beside
her horse, she noticed Starlight was limping more than usual.
“Ty, if we don’t find a town soon and get another shoe for Starlight,
she’ll be a dead horse before long. Or at least an injured one. The
poor thing can hardly walk as it is!”
Ty dismounted. “Yer right ‘bout that, Sally. An’ if’n we do find us a
town today, I reckon she’ll have ta rest for several days ‘fore she can
be shod. Carson,” he asked, turning to the older man, “What ya think
if’n one a us rides lookin’ for a town?”
“I think it’d be right smart. We ain’t got the money for a new horse
‘sides the fact that Sally’s used ta Starlight. I’ll jest ride . . .
Why wouldn’t ya know!” Carson exclaimed looking off at a distant hill.
“There’s someone comin’ our way.”
Ty and Sally looked also. A lone rider was coming rapidly down the hill
and across the valley towards them. It only took him a few minutes to
reach them and at Carson’s wave, he drew rein and halted.
“Howdy,” the stranger greeted them, touching his hat to Sally.
“Howdy,” Carson returned his greeting.
“In trouble?”
“We’re jest need’n a town with a blacksmith,” Ty explained. “Horse’s
thrown a shoe.”
The stranger grunted and jerked a thumb back over his shoulder. “’Bout
five miles. Dead Horse. Ask fer Herr Rohbar or whatever his name is.
Furriner, but the best blacksmith I ever seen.”
“Yep. So long!” And the stranger rode off in a cloud of dust.
“’Bout five miles. That ain’t too far. Let’s make tracks,” and Ty
gently urged Starlight forward.
“Dead Horse, ugh,” Sally made a face. “It doesn’t sound like a very
nice town even if they do have the best blacksmith. I just hope poor
Starlight doesn’t give them a reason to change the name of their town
to Dead Horses.”
The five miles were at last ended and a small town was to be seen. It
wasn’t exactly small but neither was it what one might call large. The
main street was lined with the usual buildings: hotels, saloons, a post
office, general store and jail. Boardwalks lined either side of the
dusty street.
Ty asked the first person they saw where the blacksmith was.
“Jest down there ‘bout four houses.”
After thanking the man, Ty led the others down the street indicated and
soon stopped before the blacksmith’s shop.
A short, broad shouldered man stepped out wiping his hands on his
leather apron. His dark hair and beard gave him a sturdy look while his
dark eyes twinkled in friendliness. “Can I help you?” he asked, his
thick accent showing plainly that he was indeed a foreigner.
“Are you the blacksmith?” Carson asked.
“Ja, I am Herr Rohbar. You in need of vork done, nein?”
Ty nodded. “This horse threw her shoe couple a days back. I reckon
she’ll have ta rest a bit ‘fore she gets a new one.”
The blacksmith with gentle but sure hands lifted Starlight’s leg. “Ah,
ze poor horse. You are right. Zis horse should rest for a few days. You
have place to stay?”
Carson shook his head. “I reckon we’ll jest find us a hotel.”
“Nein! Zat vill not do. And the Frau, your vife?”
“Sister,” corrected Ty.
“Ah, the fraulein, she iz tired. My good Frau Senora Juanita vill get
all you a cool drink, nein?”
Before Carson, Ty or Sally could say anything, the good blacksmith
called out, “Juanita, ve have company.”
The door of the little hut behind the blacksmith flew open and a lovely
Mexican woman came out with a small child in one arm and two more about
her skirts.
“You called, my husband?”
“Ja, my Nita, ve have guests. Zis Fraulein is veary of her journey an
for zees mine herrs, a glass of vater you bring, bitte.”
The dark eyed Juanita beckoned for Sally to follow and led the way into
the small hut, the little children following.
In a voice soft and sweet, Herr Rohbar’s Frau Senora Juanita spoke, “If
the senorita will sit, soon I
shall have cool water for her to drink, si?,”
Sally sat as she was bidden and watched the small woman move swiftly
about the tiny hut. She was clothed in a brightly colored skirt and
blouse and her dark hair was in a knot at the back of her neck. With a
mixture of Spanish and English she directed the children. The oldest a
boy and girl of about six and four looked more like their mother with
her darker skin, black hair and dark eyes while the smallest child
looked so like his father that Sally half expected him to say something
in a deep German voice.
Soon a mug of cold water was handed to Sally and the Senora took some
out for Carson and Ty, leaving the three children to stand staring wide
eyed at Sally. She offered a smile and said, “Hello.”
“Hello,” the boy replied giving a small smile in return.
The younger two remained soberly silent standing beside their big
brother until Frau Rohbar returned.
Out in the yard, Herr Rohbar was assuring his visitors that they did
not want to stay in the hotels in this town. “Nein!” he exclaimed
emphatically, “Zees hotels, zay are full of bugs an ze streets are no
place to be aftar dark. Nein, zay are not ze place for ze fraulein. I
vould offer mine house, but it iz shmall. Ah, vait! I know ze very
place. Nita!”
His wife appeared instantly, followed by Sally.


Gloria said...

What is the place (J.T.)? Do we ever see the nice family again (M)? Who are the characters/friends?

Gloria said...

J.T. says you don't write it fast enough or in this case post often enough. Maybe you should post every other day.

Grace Mae said...

Who are the friends?? I figured out another name. Searching, Duty, and Sunshine

Abigail in WI said...

Some more title suggestions: The Search
or maybe: Western Wanderings, although I'm not sure if if really fits..
or: A Father's Last Wish

Grace said...

how about "Dying Wish"

Grace said...

Promise of a Son

oh so lovely said...

well I can't really give any title suggestions, becuase I am a few months behind on this story, but am going to catch up while traveling ( I'll have plenty of time to read it in one sitting!) so maybe after I catch up I'll think of a title.