
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Meleah's Western - Part 47

Welcome to a Wonderful, Wet Western Wednesday!
has been HOT and DRY here for weeks! Usually when it is hot it is also
very humid, however, this time it was dry! The grass was starting to
turn brown and you felt as though you had just stepped into the oven
when you stepped outside. But it began to rain last night! And it is
raining this morning! Maybe it will rain all day!:)

to let you know, until I do decide on a title for Meleah's Western,
please keep the title suggestions coming! You never know if one of them
will just be the perfect one.:) Speaking of Western, that is all I've
written for the past month! But, the end is in sight! I think. :) I'm
writing as fast as I can but I can only write in the evenings.:} It's
not that I don't have time during the day, it is just that my brain
refuses to think "writing stories" until after supper. Oh, well.

Here is Part 47. Enjoy!

Part 47

“Uncle Bob,” whispered Sally, pausing as she was about to lie down, “Do
you think Ty really is strong enough for traveling? Joe told me that
Jack didn’t give Ty his full approval before leaving.”
Yawning, Carson gazed into the fire before answering. “I reckon it
wouldn’t a hurt Ty none ta’ve jest stayed a few more days or weeks ta
kind a build his strength back. He ain’t been in the saddle none since
he was shot. That’s a mighty long time. But, I reckon if’n we take it
easy, Ty’ll get his strength an’ ain’t goin’ ta be none the worse. Sure
Jack didn’t want him leavin’ but he could tell Ty’d jest be frettin’
‘bout goin’ an’ that weren’t goin’ ta do him no good.” A soft sigh in
the darkness told Carson that his words had relieved Sally’s fears. Now
he added a few last ones. “Jest be sure ya tell ‘em how Ty’s doin’ when
ya write them there letters yer supposed ta. I reckon that’ll set all
their minds ta rest. The other thing we can do, Sally,” Carson spoke
slowly, as one not sure how to say it.
“What, Uncle Bob?”
“We can pray fer him.”
“I do.”
“Then I reckon the good Lord’ll take care of him.”
A deep, peaceful silence fell over the little group of travelers
resting beside the glowing embers of their campfire under the thousands
of bright, twinkling stars in the heavens above while a soft breeze
caressed their cheeks and gently stirred their hair. All was hushed.
Sleep, with gentle persistence, claimed Carson and Sally before further
words were exchanged.
For several days following that first one back on the trail, Carson and
Sally set an easy pace. Ty noticed it but didn’t say anything, for,
until he regained much of his earlier strength and stamina, he knew he
wouldn’t make it to the next town if they pushed on as they had done
before he was wounded.
Often as they traveled they were silent, but now and then one of the
trio would make a remark and a lively, serious or reminiscing
conversation would ensue. It was Sally who began it this time.
“Ty, when you were sick you didn’t seem to like Joe. You would order
him away from your horse or tell him to leave your things alone.”
“Hmm, could be I thought he were the kind ta take what ain’t his.”
“Joe would never do that,” protested Sally warmly.
“Huh, well I ain’t too sure ‘bout that. I reckon it were a right smart
thing we left ‘fore he had more chance.” And he turned to look at
Carson. “Ain’t that right, Carson?”
“I reckon so.”
Sally was indignant. “Ty Elliot, Joe would never take what weren’t--
wasn’t his, especially not from someone else.”
Ty grinned slyly at Carson before replying, “Ya think so, huh? Well, I
ain’t none too sure. I reckon the only reason somethin’ weren’t taken
was ‘cause he decided ta wait till I had another one.”
“Another what, Ty?” Sally questioned innocently.
Ty only looked at her with such a teasing grin on his face that Sally
felt the blood rush to her cheeks and she looked away, slowing her
horse until she was the last of the line. Not another word did she say
for several miles.
As the days passed and still the companions rode south, Ty’s strength
was rapidly returning. The sun and wind were darkening his face and
arms once more and when Ty was able to beat Sally on a draw, he knew
they could travel at a faster pace. He was eager to reach someplace
where news might be obtained.
It was while they were picking their way down a rocky hill that
Starlight stumbled. Sally was jolted in the saddle but managed to stay
on. Patting her horses neck, she murmured, “Easy, Starlight. Did you
step on a loose rock? Take it easy now, we’re almost to the bottom.”
With those gentle words to reassure her, Starlight recovered herself
and continued down the hillside. At the bottom Sally slid off and ran
her hands down her horse’s legs. None of them appeared hurt, so,
remounting, Sally nudged Starlight forward to catch up with the others.
Carson and Ty, noticing Sally wasn’t with them anymore, pulled their
horses to a halt and looked back. She was just remounting and as she
came up it became obvious that Starlight was limping.
“Sally,” Ty called out, “Yer horse is limpin’.”
“I know.” Sally rode up and dismounted once again. “She stumbled coming
down that hill. I checked her legs, but they all seemed fine.”
Ty and Carson had both dismounted and now Carson said, “Could be a
shoe’s loose. Let’s take a look see.”
It only took a few minutes to discover that the shoe on her right fore
foot was missing and the foot was cut in a few places.
“No wonder you were limping,” Sally crooned, stroking the chestnut’s
neck and rubbing her face. “You don’t like walking on rocks without
your shoes on. And I made you hurry. I’m sorry, Girl.”
“Well, what do we do now?” Ty looked at Carson. “She can’t be ridden,
least ways not till we’ve got another shoe on her.”
“I’ll walk,” answered Sally simply.
“Ya can’t walk for days,” Ty protested. “Ya can ride Par an’ I’ll
“I reckon Sally’d rather ride Flint ‘n Par,” Carson put in. “’Sides, ya
ain’t strong enough ta walk that far.”
“If’n I ain’t, then she ain’t either,” retorted Ty.
Shaking her head, Sally started forward leading Starlight. “If you two
want to stand there and argue, go ahead. You can catch up with us when
you have finished. For now I’m going to walk. It feels good to stretch
my legs.”
For a few brief seconds, the two men could only stare after her. Then,
with slightly sheepish grins, they both mounted and soon caught up with
the pair before them.
Until next week. . .

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