Friday, May 14, 2010

Meleah's Western part 16

Welcome back all you Friday Fiction Fans to a fabulous Friday. It is dark and rainy here. The perfect kind of a day to enjoy a good book, story or something like that.

I mentioned last week that I had started a Western, but didn't seem to be able to get it written. Well, I finally figured out what was wrong. I was trying to write something that wasn't supposed to go into the story. At least not at this point. Once I got that figured out, and knew where I was supposed to be going, I was able to write this part in an hour. And yes, I did do it on Sunday afternoon. :)

I haven't really done any writing since then, so I guess I had better get to work so I have something for next week. And maybe the week after that.:) But, I won't keep you any longer. Most of you probably just skipped this part anyway and went straight to the Western.:) Hope you enjoy it.

Part 16

For several long, weary days Carson, Ty and Sally had been riding. Over rough mountain sides, down steep slopes through wind, clouds and sunshine they had traveled. Spending nights at some hospitable cabin only to set off again at dawn. Sally was tired. Tired? No, when she let herself think about it, she was exhausted. Every muscle ached from the constant horseback riding. To Carson and Ty, already used to days in the saddle, sleeping out in all kinds of weather, and eating in the open every day, this little trip was nothing. Thankfully spring was arriving bringing warmer weather with it, or Sally would have faired even worse. As it was she hardly talked anymore, and each move she made off the horse was slow.

On the fifth day after leaving Uncle Matt and Aunt Leah’s cabin, Carson, who was riding in front, pulled up his horse at a fork in the road.
“Well, I reckon we got a decision ta make here,” he remarked to his companions as they pulled rein beside him. “If we was ta keep goin’ straight, we’d go right by my old cabin, if’n it’s still there.” Then he added in a lower, husky voice, “That was the last place I seen my Sunshine.”
Ty and Sally exchanged glances. Neither of them spoke but sat on their horses in silence waiting for Carson to continue.
After clearing his throat Carson jerked his head to the trail on the right. “An’ if’n we was ta take that trail, we’d be goin’ right past yer old cabin,” adding quietly, “If its still standin’.”

A shiver ran up and down Sally’s spine. They were that close to the cabin where she and Ty, yes and this unknown sister, were born? Would it still be standing? Mechanically, without even thinking about what she was doing, she turned her horses head towards the latter trail.

Ty also had a pull to that spot down in the woods before them. What was it, he wondered, that tugged at his heart so forcefully to go back to the place of his beginning? Could it be his mother’s grave? Or were memories which flickered through his brain like some hazy dream drawing him onward? He didn’t know. The only thing that mattered was that he go.
His voice was quiet as he turned to Carson and said, “I reckon we both be aimin’ ta go this way.”
Carson nodded. Deep in his heart he was relieved. He wasn’t sure he could handle going back to the old home knowing that Aunt Kate and Sunshine wouldn’t be there to welcome him. With a sigh he too turned his horse onto the old familiar trail and followed his younger companions.

For several minutes the trio rode in silence, each lost in thought and full of mixed emotions.
At last Carson called up, “Jest round this here bend an’ to yer right is where the cabin was.”
Sally gasped. Would it be there? Instinctively she slowed her horse and allowed Ty to pass her. Everything was quiet save for the steps of the horses and one little bird singing brightly, hidden in the trees above her.

At last the bend was turned and there, before them, stood a cabin. Smoke came from the chimney, and a well worn path led to the door. Ty dismounted and dropped his reins. Carson too swung off his horse and left it ground hitched. Only Sally remained on her horse, too overcome to move until Carson nudged her foot. Then almost in a daze she followed the others and dismounted.

As Ty gazed about him, the door opened and a young, pleasant looking woman with light hair stepped out. “Why, afternoon. You all strangers in these parts?”
Ty pulled off his hat and stepped forward. “No ma’am, the truth is my sister and me,” he looked at Sally, “we was born here, an’ our mama was buried nearby. We was hopin’ ya’d jest let us look around for a spell.”
“Why of course!” the woman exclaimed in sympathy. “I can show you right where ta find yer Mama’s grave, I reckon. When I first came here, I found it all neglected like, and though I didn’t know who it twas that was buried there, well, I just sort of took care of it ever since.” As she spoke the woman led the way to a small, well kept area enclosed by a rail fence. One simple cross stood inside marking the last resting place of someone dear.

Carson bowed his head and held his hat in his hand as Ty, with Sally clinging to his arm, knelt beside the cross. The woman, with great kindness, quietly slipped back to the cabin murmuring to herself, “The poor things. All this way to visit the grave of their mother. I wonder where they came from? The man they are with doesn’t seem to be their father. I wish I could help them.”

“An’ so we’re lookin’ fer a trace a their sister. Come all the way an’ aim ta stop in town jest ta make inquiries.” Carson wrapped up their tale to their hostess and glanced at Ty. “Reckon we ought ta be gitt’n on ‘fore it gets dark, Ty?”

There was no answer. Ever since Ty had come into the cabin an hour ago, he hadn’t said more than two words. His eyes had roamed about the cabin taking in every detail, and then, overcome with memories, he just sat and let them take him where they would. He heard nothing going on around him. Even had a band of Indians or outlaws come in with shouts and guns, Ty would have been completely unaware. Had those who were threatening his very life galloped into the yard, he wouldn’t have stirred. His mind had taken him far beyond these four wooden walls and his companions. He saw none of it as he gazed vacantly before him.

Any questions for next time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guess I was the only one who read this:) Who is the lady who lives in the cabin? Who is Carson's Sunshine? or have I just forgotten something?- hank