
Friday, May 28, 2010

The Emancipation of Chester Reginald Donavan, Esquire

Well Fabulous Friday Fiction Fans, Friday has come again and with it the first part of the story I promised you last week. There is a difference, however, because Mom didn't like the title I had given it, and so gave me a new one.:) It is the same story though. When I first saw this picture and read my instructions, I thought of an entirely different kind of a story. But the more I got to thinking and talking about it, the more I liked this idea better. And I did do a lot of laughing while I wrote it.:) I'll keep each post under 2000 words for the convenience of my busy readers.:)
I do wish someone or someones would give me some instructions for more stories. I only have one left to do. (That is a hint if you didn't know.) Anyone can give me instructions. Just tell me how many characters I can have in my story, how long or short it should be and any special instructions (i.e. don't use the word "said," a mystery, a silly story,) and I'll try to do it for you. Or, if you have a picture and want a story written about it, I'll try that too.:)

Okay, here is part one of:

main character, up to 4 minor
6+ (I did 10)
Special Instructions:
Focus on creating a rounded character (That meant someone who changed because of something that happened.)

The Emancipation of
Chester Reginald Donavan, Esquire

“Hey, um, do you know where we are?”
“Well,” there was a slight laugh. “I know we are on a mountain in the Mosquito Range in Colorado, but just where, I’m not sure.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.” Chester Reginald Donavan, Esq., hitched up the straps on his gear and frowned. This vacation was not turning out to be what he had planned. Here he was separated from the rest of the group with this guy whose name he never could remember. If only his best friend and lawyer buddy hadn’t broken his leg last week! Chester was a tall and well built young man who looked to be in his late twenties, having about him a definite high class air in spite of or maybe enhanced by his top-of-the-line outdoor clothes and gear.

“Aren’t you coming too?”
Chester jerked out of his misery to notice his companion had begun to climb some more. Taking a deep breath he set off after him.

It was slightly chilly even with his windbreaker on, and Chester glanced at the little man before him. He didn’t seem to be bothered by cold, and his jacket looked warm. The man was only about five feet three with dark hair streaked here and there with gray. Slight in build though he was, the man walked briskly with no apparent fatigue.
Chester was soon gasping for breath, and it was all he could do to keep his aching feet and legs moving at all. His shoulders sagged, and he bent his head against the wind staring at the ground beneath his feet.

“Say, why don’t we take a breather. You look just about done in.”
Unclasping his pack Chester lowered it to the ground and sank down beside it with a sigh. For several minutes he didn’t say anything. He couldn’t talk, for he was still trying to catch his breath. Finally he managed to ask,
“Hey, what is your name again? I don’t recall.”
“Oh yeah.”
Silence again fell. Chester eyed his companion rather as he would have eyed a strange, little dog. He certainly didn’t look like his other friends. He wondered what he was like. Chester found the silence oppressing and sought for some way to break it. He blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.
“So, where did you get your jacket?”
The little man turned his eyes away from the mountain peaks before them. “On E-bay.”
“Oh sure. You do know what E-bay is?”
Chester nodded with a look of surprised skepticism. Who would ever buy something like that on E-bay?”
The little man went on, not seeming to notice Chester’s look. “It is a great jacket, warm yet lightweight. I got it for a great deal. I think it was only $10.00 counting shipping.”
Chester stared. “You spent $10.00 on a jacket?” his tone implied that that was absurd.
“Where did you get yours?”
“New from the online store, 66* North. Probably never heard of it. It was top of the line Edlgja and only $332.00 not counting shipping.”
“Oh.” The monosyllable was full of disbelief.

Once more silence fell on the two men. Chester was thinking of all the money he had spent on getting ready for this trip. Of how he and Michael had discussed different brands and prices. It was only the top of the line, high dollar brand items that would last the rigors of such trips, Michael had assured him. And after all, Michael should know, for he had been on such trips all his life. What would he have said to the little man about his E-bay jacket?

“If you have recovered your wind, we might want to head on. Who knows, we could catch a glimpse of the others at the top.” The little man had stood up and was waiting for Chester.
“What? Oh yeah, sure.”
Struggling up the side of that mountain was the hardest thing Chester had ever done. His feet were killing him, for his boots, high dollar though they were, hadn’t been broken in and his feet felt covered in blisters. The thin air was making breathing difficult for him, and he wondered for the seventh time that day why he had ever agreed to this hike in the first place. He knew why; it was because he had worked and pushed himself so hard that his doctor told him to take a few days off or he would break down. So, when his friend had mentioned this trip, he had agreed.

At last the summit was reached. Though this was one of the lower mountains, they could still see for miles. The clouds hung low to the south and west while a cold wind from the north bit at their faces and fingers.
“Wow! Quite a sight, isn’t it? I never get tired of looking out over the mountains. Everything is so quiet and peaceful here. Of course in the summer things are even more lovely with the flowers blooming, but I couldn’t get away then, so this late camp out was perfect. I wonder if we’ll get snow while we are here?” The little man gazed in delight at all he saw.
“Hey, why don’t we call the other group and um, find out where they are?” Chester asked, adding with a mutter to himself,. “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?”
The other man gave a little laugh. “That’s not a bad idea, but I can’t get reception up here with my phone.” He drew a rather old looking cell phone from its pouch and looked at it.
Chester’s lip curled at the sight of it. He couldn’t help asking “Where did you get that?”
“On E-bay. It was a package deal.” The man laughed again. “I know it isn’t the newest phone, but it works for me. And it was cheap.”
“I’ll bet,” Chester mumbled. “I’ll just use mine,” and he reached for the side of his belt where he kept his i-phone. The pouch was empty! “What!” Chester gasped “How could it have gotten lost? I mean this pouch was latched!”
“Are you sure you didn’t use it and set it down some place before we set off?” his companion was trying to be helpful.
After thinking hard for several minutes, Chester suddenly let out a groan. “No! I left it in my new, black 2009 Hummer! How could I be so stupid! I had called Michael and must have forgotten to put it back. Great! And if anything happens to me way out here in the middle of no where, no one is going to be able to contact anyone!”
“Can’t someone just get it out of your car when we get back? Not that anything is going to happen,” the little man hastened to add.
“Get something out of it? Yah right! Hey man, this is a brand new 2009 Hummer! Man, no one can get in that thing unless they know the right stuff!” Chester rolled his eyes at the ignorance of his companion. Doesn’t the guy know anything except E-bay? Suddenly a new and to him dreadful thought struck him, and he slapped his head with a cry that made the little man beside him turn in a hurry and stare. . . .

Come back next week to find out what happened!


suziefaith said...

Sounds great Bekah!!!!

Abigail in WI said...

Sounds like this story will be interesting! :)

Mazzou said...

Oh, it's funny! :)