Friday, May 17, 2024

Don't Hang Up - Part 1

 If you read this post earlier. Sorry. I'd forgotten I hadn't written anything at the beginning. Did I even ask you anything? I guess I did. Anyway, life is busy. My grandpa and uncle came down for a visit on Saturday (today). I'm getting ready to head to a concert my nieces and nephews are singing in. They are "Singing through the Gospels" and I'm sure it will be good.



Don’t Hang Up

    “Don’t hang up!”
    John Steel frowned. “Oookay.” That was not what he was expecting when he’d answered the phone. “Why shouldn’t I hang up?”
    “Because I need help.”
    “What kind of help? And who is this?” The voice sounded young, but he wasn’t sure if the speaker was a boy or a girl.
    “I’m at a phone.”
    “A phone where?”
    “I don’t know. It’s in a little house that’s kind of like a box.”
    John waved Seth over and mouthed “Criss-cross!”
    Seth nodded and got to work.
    John pressed a button to record the conversation. “Maybe a phone booth?”
    The voice sounded a little excited. “Yes! I think that’s what it’s called. But please help!”
    “Okay. What’s your name?”
    “All right, Judah, why didn’t you call the police?”
    “I didn’t know their number, and there aren’t any around here. I tried 9-1-1 and it didn’t do anything.”
    John frowned. “How did you call this number?”
    “I just pushed numbers. The first three people hung up on me.”
    Seth gave a nod, and John spoke to the person on the other end. “Okay, Judah, can you tell me why you need help?”
    “Because I don’t want to get knocked off.”
    “Knocked off? As in killed?”
    “I don’t know. I just heard them talking about knocking us off.”
    “Who? Are there any others with you?”
    “Yeah, Jess and Bob. Please come help us.”
    “Judah, don’t hang up.” John had to smile to himself as he used the same words. “I need to talk to someone here about getting you help, okay?”
    Putting his hand over the mouth piece, but keeping the other part on his ear, John looked at Seth. “Where is it?” he whispered.
    “About five miles.” Seth pointed to a place on a map. “Rough terrain but doable. If we take the road it’s about twenty miles.”
    “Get the ATVs and round everyone up. We could need fire for this.”
    “Roger that.” Seth hurried away.
    “Judah,” John said, “we’re going to come get you.”
    “It’s going to have to be quick or they might find us.”
    “Can you hide anywhere where you can still see the phone booth but where they might not find you?”
    There was a long pause. “Yeah, I think so. Under the porch of the old building over there. But how will we know it’s you?”
    John nodded even though no one could see him. This kid was smart. “I’ll come to the phone booth and will put on a red hat. Then I’ll walk near the porch and say ‘don’t hang up, don’t hang up’.” He heard a giggle on the other end and suddenly wondered if Judah was a girl. “Okay?”
    “Uh huh. A red hat and don’t hang up. Got it.”
    “All right. Hang up and go hide.”
    “Bye Mr. Red hat. Thanks.”
    The line went dead.
    For a moment John stared at it. “This had better not be a prank call.” He rose and then paused. “Lord, I have a feeling we’re going to need help. Keep those kids safe if this call is for real.” Then he grabbed his camo jacket, slipped his handguns into their holsters, stuffed his red hat into his pocket, and snatched up his backpack before hurrying from the room.
    He found the men gathered below. All looked eager and ready. “Earl, stay here and man that phone. Someone could call back. If they ask for Mr. Red Hat, and talk about the porch or say their name is Judah, patch them through to my headset.” He tapped his ear. “If they don’t say anything like that, stall ‘em. Get as much info as you can and run a criss-cross. It could be the other men.”
    The gray haired man nodded sharply and hurried upstairs to the phone.
    “Seth, do you have the route planned?”
    “Good. Coen, David, Albert, be prepared to use fire if need be, but use it with caution. We have three people to evac. Sounds like they might be kids. And if this turns out to be a prank call . . .”
    His words were met with grim silence. Every one of the men knew they were risking exposure to their fellow men as well as to their entire headquarters by taking the ATVs and heading around the mountain. But if lives were in danger, they’d do it. That’s what they were trained to do.
    “All right, Frank and Leon, keep watch here. If this appears to be a set up, radio me at once.”
    “Got it.” Frank nodded.
    “Let’s get going.”
    The men almost ran to the ATVs. Their roar sounded extra loud to John’s ears. Would they warn the vultures, or would they be able to to shut them down and roll in close on silent? They couldn’t go far on electric power, but perhaps it would be far enough.
    The first three miles were covered in record speed. It was over ground all the men were familiar with, and every tree, rock and bush was well known. Then it was one mile of ground some of them had gone over a few times. This mile was slower. John and Seth led the way with the other three right behind them.
    As they started in on the last mile, John motioned to Seth. Should they cut to the electric motors?
    Seth shook his head. Not yet.
    At last, about half a mile from the abandoned town, Seth nodded, and John flipped a switch and motioned for the others to do the same. Almost instant silence followed. If anyone had been listening, they would have assumed the ATVs had stopped completely. Only the noise the tires made over the rocks, sticks, and other undergrowth would have told a different story.
    John felt his body tense as they neared the edge of the woods. He didn’t want to break cover if he could help it. A few yards in, he signaled and stopped. The others stopped too.
    “You going in alone?” David whispered.
    “No, you’re coming with me. Leave your big gun with Seth. We’re hikers or hunters. Coen, Albert, Seth, stay under cover unless it looks like we need help. Come on, David. Let’s go.”


Would you just dial random numbers if you needed help?
I'll have the next part next week.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm excited for part sounds exciting! 😀
My little brother has randomly dialed numbers and called people! 😄
You really make having nieces and nephews sound like so much fun!

Rebekah said...

Thanks for commenting, Anonymous. :D I hope you enjoy part 2.
Oh, my! I hope your brother didn't make anyone mad by calling them. ;)
And yes, nieces and nephews are great! And a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Haha...I think they thought it was cute for a baby to call them! 😄

Rebekah said...

Hehe! Well, at least he didn't dial 911 like my niece did with a phone we thought didn't work. Thankfully my dad caught the call and was able to explain so nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! 😅
My mom was surprised when he wasn't just talking into the phone, there was someone talking to him!

Is the story awhile back on this blog based off that story? Love's Embrace?

Rebekah said...

That would be surprising to find someone talking to your child on the phone!

No, Love's Embrace wasn't based off my niece's phone call. She was only around a year old when she did it.

Anonymous said...

It definitely was!
Oh, okay. It just made me think of it!