
Friday, September 4, 2020

Zero Story


    I was going to get a story picked out and ready to post today, but then I left town and left my list behind. So . . . You'll have to wait until next week. Unless I find something. But since I'm at my grandparents' and will be heading home Friday morning, it's not likely. (I'm writing this Thursday late afternoon.)

    What has your week been like? Anything going on?

    Saturday was a busy writing day. I wrote almost 3k words and finally reached the end of "Lake Wood"! It was so exciting to finally reach it since I had tried before and then ended up needing to change things. This story is longer than either "Jim Wood" or "Anna Wood". Sorry. ;) Hope you won't mind too much.

    Sunday was a busy day! We had the usual Sunday School, and then I worked nursery for my sister. There was a baptism at the beginning of the service and 7 people were baptized. Then we had missionaries speak. After church we had a fellowship meal. (My sister was in charge of setting all the food up which is why she couldn't work nursery.) And combined with the meal we had a wedding shower for someone. Then we came home. I read. So nice. :)

    Monday was a see-how-much-we-can-get-done sort of day. I reread and edited the last 9,700+ words of "Lake Wood" and then transferred and printed it so my editor could read it whenever. I also did some other things.

    Tuesday my mom, sister, and I headed north to visit my grandparents. They are both in their 90s and still living at home. We hung out and visited.

    Wednesday it was in the 60s in the morning so Sis and I went walking before breakfast. It was nice to get outside. Spend most of the rest of the morning reading and relaxing. I wasn't letting myself even think about what things I needed to get done by certain times. :) We played our usual game of Dominoes after supper.

    Thursday was again in the 60s and we walked. There's a nice park a couple blocks from my grandparents' house and a walking/biking path to it and through it. There are always several people walking their dogs. Oh, I got to see the two owls that live in the neighborhood. You probably don't think of owls living in suburban neighborhoods, but these owls do. I helped Grandpa work outside in the afternoon for a little while and probably ended up with 25 mosquito bites or so. :P Oh well. I'm sure we'll be playing Dominoes after supper again. It's something we all enjoy.

    Speaking of Dominoes, do any of you lovely readers have the game of Dominoes (Double Fifteens)? If so, do you all play it? Would you be interested in testing out our instructions for the 8 variations we've created and perfected over the years we've played? I'd like to get them published so others can enjoy them, but I thought someone who hasn't played all these versions with us should try our instructions first. If you are interested, let me know.

How was your week?
Did you get any writing done?
Do you play Dominoes?


Natalie Claire said...

I was getting my days mixed up all week! It wasn't until after 6 PM on Wednesday that I realized it wasn't Monday! XD But I've been getting a lot of write and other stuff done and enjoying the autumn-y weather.

I used to play Dominoes a lot with my family, but I've forgotten how. We played "Mexican Trains" and never learned the other variations, though I'm sure they're fun! (I believe our Dominoes set is Double Fifteens.) I'd love to try out your variations!

Rebekah said...

I've had days like that! You either can't figure out what day of the week it is, or you are sure it's one day only to find out in the evening that it's not.

Oh, we've played "Mexican Train" but didn't enjoy it as much as our fun variations. :) I'll send you the variations and you can let me know if the instructions are clear or not and what you all think of them.