Friday, June 15, 2018

Just My Life

Hello Readers,

Sorry, I don't have a new fiction story for you this week. I'm still working on an old, temporary computer. Mine is not going to be getting fixed as it costs around $400. just to get the part for it. The computer guy told me he thought it would be better to put that money into another computer. So . . . Back to computer shopping I go. :P I'm not particularly fond of getting a new computer and trying to settle into it.

I've gotten some written this week. Not a lot, but some. I was working on, and am almost finished writing, a story for the blog. I started it with the idea that it would be a month story, but I don't think it will. I think I'll just post it on here and then decide what I want to do with it. But I need to get to the end of the story first, and get it edited. Perhaps you'll get part one next week, but it's not a guaranty.

Yesterday my aunt came down for the day, and in the late afternoon my brother and sis-in-law dropped off all 7 kids and went out on a date. The kids loved having Aunt M. here. They played games with her, and the birthday boy (Doodle Bug) chose to sit at her table during supper. Aunt M. had also brought cookies and rice crispy treats for everyone. They loved them. :) Even Busters (10 months old) didn't holler as soon as he was done eating like he has been doing. Maybe that was because he got to eat french fries like the big kids. :)
The kids had wanted to do "Hurray for Newsy Jones" for Aunt M., but we didn't have a lot of time. So, since she and my grandparents are coming down next month to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday, I told the kids we would practice the play before then so we all knew what we were doing, and then they could do it for Great Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt M. That sounded good to them. :)

Let's see, what else have I been doing? Oh, I did get the July story up for pre-orders. Now I don't have to mess with it later.
Can you believe there are only 2 weeks and 1 day left of the Read Another Page Reading Challenge? These 6 months went by fast! So far we've had 7 people complete the Challenge already. Some are really close, and others are determined to reach the 12 books mark. Anyway, I've really enjoyed seeing all the books everyone has read, and adding them to the list. If you haven't looked at the list of books read, go check it out. It's rather fun. :)

And now I'm going to go. I have other things I need to do before we clean the house. Thanks for coming by and letting me chat.

Have you read the June story yet?
Have you been doing any writing lately?
Are you doing the reading challenge?

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