
Friday, February 28, 2014

Graham Quartet - Part 25

Welcome to Friday, FFFs!
Winter has returned to us and we are supposed to get sleet, freezing rain and snow over the weekend. And we thought spring had come. Well, I don't know why we thought that since it wasn't even March yet and we seem to get at least one big snowfall in March which comes one day or night and is gone the next. Crazy.

I spent most of Monday night planning and researching for Triple Creek Ranch, so I was only able to get about 200 words written. But things got better Tues. and Wed. and last night . . . I reached and passed the 1/2 way mark in Book 3! Now all of you Triple Creek fans can celebrate with me and eat a cookie (if you have any around the house). But please, don't stop praying. I'm going to try to get the other half written by the first of April. We'll see. I'm pretty sure some of this will go quickly, but I don't know how many times I'll get stuck or something new will pop up to add to the story. Some new characters have been introduced in this book and some old ones have hung around a little longer so I'm better acquainted with them. :)

S and I babysit the kiddos tonight, so I won't be writing. And then an old friend of Mom's is going to be here Sat and part of Sunday so I don't know if I'll write any on Saturday night or not.

But I hope you all enjoy this next part of

The Graham Quartet and the Mysterious Strangers
Part 25 

This story has been removed to publish it.
Thank you!

What should the Quartet do now?
Was Guy one of the ones on that train?
What are your thoughts on this situation?
Will you be back next week to see what takes place? 

P.S. Let me know if you are going to join the celebration by eating a cookie or something today. Or whatever day you read this. :)

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